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Alex Jones Offers $1M Reward as FBI Investigates Child Pornography Planted on his Infowars Server

Hartford Courant link

Huh. Could the Sandy Hook case have anything to do with this?

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  • Central Scrutinizer

    Everybody who works @ infoboors knows BlowHard digs "Buck Angel" ;)~ w00t!

    (OP Note: Cheez-N-bloody crackers man, still find it hard to believe that is a full blown, 2 X chromosome toting female)

  • Burbia

    Assuming the FBI isn't part of the problem. They have been providing cover for Pant Suit for how long now? The Finders Cult were literally dressed like agents. Tranny's are linked to pedo shit all over the place. Could it be Waddlesworth's 911 moment to get back credibility? Maybe not. One of the families sueing him is caught up in nefarious shit. Vault 7 WikiLeaks implied the ability to plant cp on dissidents. Removing him from YouTube gives him credibility he is losing everyday for how long has it been? Milo is limited hang out and controlled opposition. He served his purpose. As with any agent, you get doxxed, you get burned. Association is dropped from official capacity. Human trafficking is big business. If you drop the Bill Hicks conspiracy, you find out he is a major coke dealer. Do you think he has MK Ultra tendencies? He says his father, a dentist is CIA. Wind him up, turn him on, watch him go. Have you checked out Joseph Atwill? He says life actors are placed strategically all over the place. AJ is a gate keeper and Judas goat. 

  • Burbia

    say it aint so Waddlesworth? What rhymes with shoe-boy?

    Alex Jones attacks Sandy Hook families’ lawyer as a ‘little white-shoe boy’ in latest unhinged outburst