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Strange that my life is existing day to day
Looking back I know I didn't plan it this way
Wondering how many more dues I'll still have to pay
Standing on this planet should I go or should I stay?

Just like 50 shades of gray-is that really okay?
Pulling your partner down into a cavern of dismay
Illusion of being faithful when you're always ready to play
Just remember Darling someday you're going to have to pay,

Wondering if I'll ever feel a different way
Knowing I should move on but the past is here to stay
I'm just a simple man that God made out of clay
Knowing I'll pass on unexpectedly one fine day,

Just wondering my Dear in the midst of the fray
Was infidelity the only course upon which you could ever stay?
Standing on this planet and gazing up at the Milky Way
Wondering if you ever really loved me before you ever strayed?

Did I ever really learn was I always the eternal fool?
With all those good intentions it seemed I was always but a tool
Wondering why I always thought you were just a rough cut jewel
I overlooked who you really were and fell wounded by the duel,

That bullet you shot right at my heart struck from the very start
I really didn't know you wanted us that badly to be apart
The contempt and deception you held was right off the charts
Made sure you hid it well until you fired that poisoned lover's dart,

Standing here on planet earth wondering just what I ever did
To deserve abandonment like a mother walking out on her kid
That's okay Baby guess all of us are allowed to flip our lid
I'm just a sleepy driver losing control with a fatal skid,

Wondering my Dear in a world at the mercy of fear
Could you ever have been honest could you ever have made it clear?
Let you and I toast a glass to our reflections on the mirror
Forgive me oh estranged one if I shed one final tear.

Image may contain: one or more people
Image may contain: 1 person, standing
Image may contain: sky, cloud, grass, outdoor and nature
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  • Doc Vega

    Well James Roberts it appears you're on the right track.

  • Doc Vega

    Chris of the family masters always good to get your support.

  • Doc Vega

    Les Prone, thanks Buddy!