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Desolation Zone

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Desolation Zone


Until my woman with black thoughts

Tied my stomach up in knots

The world before my eyes seemed to rot

All those future dreams for not,

 Image result for as all the m,adness unfolds

Why do the days feel so cold?

Am I really growing old?

Tough times to be bold

As all the madness unfolds,

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No time to get it back

Feel like I'm under attack

Can't even see through the cracks

I'm coming in under heavy flak,

Image result for starnger in the mirror 

There’s no cure for this I’m sure

Now I cradle thoughts so impure

Don’t deceive me with the grand tour

Who’s that stranger in the mirror?

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No pretty mistresses in white gowns

No lovers hunting me like a Baskerville Hound

Got these feelings overwhelmingly down

Taking another shot at the man who wears the crown,

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Don’t forget to lay your head down

Where ever that might be found

Keep an ear out for that terrorist sound

I am amongst a world of clowns,

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Could you be a clone?

How could I know I’m so alone?

These feelings so bad to the bone

How alienated I’ve grown,

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The legacy of the seeds I’ve sown

The guilt for which I must atone

Be the first one to cast the stone

Here in the heart of the desolation zone.

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