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Plastic Rebels In Charlottesville

If you’ve been following events surrounding Charlottesville, maybe you are seeing this too?

Alex James Fields Jr. was the driver of the Dodge. He was paid for his AntiFa participation and supporter of Hillary Clinton.  He had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Surprise!

Adam Kessler organized the event in Charlottesville which was crashed by AntiFa.  He was part of Occupy Wall Street and an Obama supporter. 

Local police were ordered to stand down until 'things got out of control'.

Craigslist and Crowds on Demand surface for the event. Soros has been financing these events to divide the US.

Nothing seems to organic grass roots here. Looks a lot like astro turf for Plastic Rebels.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    "Plastic People, they gotta go now" ~F. Zappa

  • Burbia

    Comedy News Network (cnn) asks if Barcelona vehicular homicide a copycat of Charlottesville.
    CNN: There Will Be Questions About Whether Barcelona Attack Was ‘Copycat’ of Charlottesville
    As if that predates all the other vehicular manslaughter over there didn't exist before Charlottesville.
  • Burbia

    Hmm. Vag good. Cunt bad.