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  • Doc Vega

    Mark Levin is a good source of info on what's going on there.

  • Less Prone

    The war between Israel and Palestinians is a war of the modern Ashkenazi Jews fighting against the descendants of the original Israel. Not all the Judeans left the area but most of them stayed there and mixed and evolved into Christians and Muslims, many maintained their original Judean faith. All of them lived in peace until the Rot started playing with them and raised hatret and greed. 

    Prof. John Beaty and the True Origin of the Jews

    What is the origin of the Palestinians? An answer to this question gives a gloomy twist into what is happening in the middle east right now.

  • Less Prone

    What possible motive did the Ashkenazi Jews have in exposing the original Jews to this suffering?

    The Ringworm Children