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Our Creator Is A Cosmic Computer Programmer - Says JPL Scientist

Are we just a computer simulation? Who or what is the creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we might live in a matrix, and they say that evidence could be all around us.

Rich Terrell, from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology has helped design missions to Mars, discovered four new moons around Saturn, Neptune and Uranus and taken pictures of the distant solar system.

Terrell has his opinion about our creator who most refer to as God.

"One has to think what are the requirements for God? God is an inter-dimensional being connected with everything in the Universe, a creator that is responsible for the Universe and in some way can change the laws of physics, if he wanted to. I think those are good requirements for what God ought to be," Terrell says.

This is the same as programmers creating simulations, Terrell explains.

Rich Terrell goes through his argument using Moore's Law and the Turing Test.

Terrell wondered, how much computing power would a simulation of the Earth require?

Humans are doubling the computing power every 13 months and Terrell says that computers already match the human brain in computational speed.

Right now our fastest computers on the planer are capable of one million billion operations per second Terrell says.

At this rate, in 10 years, Terrell believes computers will be able to create a "photo real simulation of all that we see around us" - the Earth.

But can a computer populate such a simulation with thinking beings, artificially intelligent simulated beings, like humans? Terrell thinks so and that humans are on the verge of creating worlds inside computers populated by sentient beings.

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Here are some interesting links also:  Do We Live In A Computer Simulation Created By An Advanced Alien Civilization?

Our Brain Is A Holographic Machine Existing In A Holographic Universe

Our Universe Is A Gigantic And Wonderfully Detailed Holographic Illusion

  • up

    Less Prone

    A simulation is a computer program that needs a computer or hardware. If we are part of that simulation, what is the hardware where the program is running?

    • up

      Not mainstreamer

      Humans are doubling the computing power every 13 months and Terrell says that computers already match the human brain in computational speed.

      Right now our fastest computers on the planer are capable of one million billion operations per second Terrell says.

      Terrell is comparing a mega-computer with all types of hardware, in a house, power by the grid, and maintained by a staff of technicians ... and tells us that "rivals" a human. Can the house "walk" too?

      • up

        Central Scrutinizer

        -More believable than the "Official" story-
