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Flashback -Alex Jones goes bat sh-t crazy on BBC Sunday Politics show

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on himself on TV.

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on
himself on TV. On Sunday morning he appeared on the BBC’s Sunday
Politics to talk about the Bilderberg Group – as you can see in the
video above. It starts fairly quietly enough but, over the length of the
interview, Jones gets wound up and up and finally explodes. It comes at
4.40, after Andrew Neil politely requests that his guest “shut it” for
the umpteenth time. That’s Jones’ cue to throw a bananas rant about how
the Euro is a Nazi plot, the government is killing us with water and
“You will not stop freedom!”

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

The frustrating thing about Jones is that his clowning around makes
it harder to take the questions he raises seriously. And some of those
questions are important. We’re currently going through the biggest big
government scandal since Watergate, with revelation after revelation of
mass surveillance and political harassment. It’s actually not
unreasonable to ask if government is out of control and whose interests
it really serves. The problem is that Jones takes reasonable questions
and provides bat sh*t crazy answers that then discredit the questions.

more @

David Icke Addresses Thousands at Bilderberg protest

'This year’s Bilderberg 2013 meeting has witnessed and extraordinary culture of secrecy surrounding the security operation, at a time when the public are told that austerity is the order of the day. But that’s not all…
Police officials are maintaining that the reason for such secrecy in advance of the event, and the extraordinary security measures has all been done in order ‘to combat the threat of terrorism’.


Bilderberg 2013 -Live Streams - News

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    Andy Anduer

    He is what he is. At least he's honest.

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      The dates of his bat shit crazy episode on that show and having David Duke on kinda coincide with the start and end of his divorce to Violet Nichols. "Take a dive Alex, if you dont want to lose your kids" Again, if there is any truth to his divorce. If there is any truth to his extra marital affair with Lee Ann McAdoo. Don't forget the centipede, maybe its a stretch for a former PETA member(active, idk), to have access to poisonous insects like that idk. Conspiracies within conspiracies. I have come across a lady who had said she was in high school with him and confirmed he wasn't a good guy. Definitely not the enjoy the ride comedian.
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        He doesn't need anybody to make him look crazy, that bus left the station long ago. Batshit crazy is his middle name. He's just another Israel firster, gatekeeper wannabe for the Empire.

        Oh, and he also wants to keep getting fatter off the idiots that pay extreme markups on the stuff he hawks.