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It's A WHITEWASH: Obama Information Czar, Cass Sunstein on Panel To Review NSA

OMG! It's A WHITEWASH: Obama Information Czar, Cass Sunstein on Panel To Review NSA

Authoritarian Cass Sunstein previously called for banning opinions that differed from government

Steve Watson
Aug 22, 2013

One of the men heading up the so called “independent” panel to review the NSA’s domestic spying programs will be Cass Sunstein, the former Obama regulatory czar, who has a history of seeking to strictly control information and stifle dissent against government.

The announcement came yesterday with the president describing the panel as a “high-level group of outside experts” that will examine potential abuses of the NSA’s data gathering programs.

Insisting that the group is completely independent of government, despite the fact that all of those on it are former White House and intelligence agency officials, the administration also announced that the group will determine if “insider threats” and unauthorized disclosures are “appropriately” accounted for by the government.

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    Obama has his head up his own backside as much as Bush43 with a lobotomy so he acts out of blind emotion-free obedience and not decadent satanism like Bush43. Check out the nude woman laying on the satanic altar in front of a child and Anton LaVay. LaVay was the guy NSA general and director of all psychological warfare for the U.S. military Michael Aquino replaced as head of the American church of satan. Beforeit' has the photos. See who this woman may well be, judging from the dozen or more photos. This is vital for all to understand the clique that sealed Obama's records and talked the Sheeple into voting for him in the primaries and thus, the general election. Think City of London and British royal satanism and the fact the City of London controls all American corporate news, and the SCOTUS sanctions all of their lies. It gets simpler by the day. The Sheeple get mentally lazier and thus more stupid by the day.

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