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Messages to the Site Admins

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Why the hell is that your profile picture.??? are you one of them...?

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      Messages to the Site Admins

      I would like to find a site that offers credible news. A friend suggested your site but i need to know who you are so i know how credibie your site is.
      Anyone can put up a site and run stories to suit their own agenda, but i note you do not reveal who you are on the site.
      Are you credible? I dont expect you to name sources but would like to know the background of your administrators and reporters.

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        I rarely ask anymore, why people quit 12160, but here we go.

        Because you suspended a friend of mine without an explanation. He is a good Man.

        My response

        Thanks for sharing. Of course fellow truth seeker, you understand there are two sides of every story.

        Seems harsh to hold an entire site responsible for my decision. You will be missed by myself and others. Our goals are sharing info. He is on a bunch of sites, and let us be honest, it is just a site after all. I didnt kick him out of the life boat. Take care