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Report: NSA intercepted electronics shipments to secretly install malicious software, hardware

The sophisticated hacking unit of the National Security Agency (NSA) has intercepted electronics shipments in order to covertly install malware and hardware that allows for backdoor access to computers, according to a new report.

This latest revelation comes after a federal judge ruled the NSA’s mass surveillance program to be legal, the White House review panel sharply criticized many NSA programs and it was revealed that the NSA paid an influential security company to compromise their pr....

The report, published by Germany’s Der Spiegel, reveals that the secretive NSA Office of Tailored Access Operation (TAO) actually physically compromises many electronics before they reach their final destination.

TAO, which Der Spiegel calls “the NSA’s top operative unit — something like a squad of plumbers that can be called in when normal access to a target is blocked” works closely with the FBI and CIA.

The group can reportedly direct shipping deliveries to their own secret workshops, a technique called “interdiction,” when a target individual, agency or company orders a new computer or accessory.

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    Not mainstreamer

    Building up a fake identity 1) Get a mobil phone, but not in your name 2) use that phone number to verify a gmail account

    Now NSA will create a folder on this fake name

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      Central Scrutinizer

      ok, officially running ubuntu 12.04 now, firefox seems not to crash anymore, lovely, having some dual screen issues and also cant get audio directed out to the SPDIF output (7.1 surround), all I got is stereo analog for the moment which is bizarre because its still running out of the coax SPDIF... gotta remember all the command lines once Minor issues compared to the winblows problems ;)

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        Not mainstreamer

        Is lying good? CIA/NSA is telling that is a skill to be cultivated. They themselves hate liars, and CIA run lie-detector tests on all employees, a single lie is one too much for CIA. CIA is obsessed about people not telling them the whole truth. NSA will want all data - names, emails, addresses, bank accounts - to be verified, so their data is not corrupted. 

        (When we give them corrupted data .. and people are persecuted by such data ... things will be funny. Today we understand not only Facebook, but also Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail data are going into NSA databases, sorted by identities. Microsoft and Google are such big liars)
