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Amazon Patents The Use Of Predictive Behavior Technology For Future Shipments

Yesterday I wrote an article about a new Facebook game developed by the world's largest technical organization, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The goal of the game is to measure interest in certain technologies in order to predict future trends that are worth investing in.

The conclusion drawn by IEEE is that the gadget of the future is YOU. Meaning that all of the data supplied, stored, and analyzed through online activity, as well as the data received  from internet-connected smart devices becomes a means toward an "anticipatory" future of homes that will recognize what you want before you consciously make a decision. The IEEE believes that current interest demonstrates that mind controlled Smart Homes are just around the corner.

Amazon plans to box and ship products it expects customers to buy preemptively, based on previous searches and purchases, wish lists, and how long the user's cursor hovers over an item online. The company may even go so far as to load products onto trucks and have them "speculatively shipped to a physical address" without having a full addressee. Such a scenario might lead to unwanted deliveries and even returns, but Amazon seems willing to take the hit, stating in the patent, "Delivering the package to the given customer as a promotional gift may be used to build goodwill." (Source)

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