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E-Cigarettes Invented in China Are Not Safe - They Contain Antifreeze Compound

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    Damonne Travis

    I kind figured something wasn't right about them. Cuz the media shows folks smoking them like it'z cool.

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      Deep Space

      Rachel Ray Talks about Banning Ecigs

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        Don't assume all ecigs are the same as they aren't standardized.  Perhaps the FDA is right and we need some regulation over their safety.  A minority of manufacturers were found to have high toxic metals (lead, cesium) bad enough to be problems.  Cesium is normally a big problem for tobacco smokers.  I haven't heard about the antifreeze being a problem and this may be dose related.  My mother successfully quit smoking about 6 tobacco cigs per day using one so the problems could be due to the brand and amount smoked.  The gist is that without the additives it is possible to quit as the intensity of the tobacco high is reduced.  I would vote for some regulation if the government could make a good law and enforce it.  
