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Woman gives birth in own driveway in -10 degree temperatures

GRAY, Maine (AP) - Frigid temperatures couldn't stop this delivery.

Abigail Cain was in labor and about to leave for the hospital early Friday morning when she had no choice but to give but to give birth while standing in the driveway of her Gray home - in wind chills that reached minus-13 degrees.

After the second contraction she felt she had to push, her father. Steve Bronish of Rumford, told the Sun Journal ( She had the car door open and was leaning on the seat when she gave birth to a 7-pound, 5-ounce healthy baby girl named Danica AnneMarie Cain.

Her husband, who was inside the house getting a bag to take to the hospital, came out to hear a baby crying.

The couple, who has a 2-year-old son, called an ambulance and mom and the baby were taken to the hospital.

"It was 10 below out, and she had no help at all and out she came right in the driveway," Bronish said. "It's quite an amazing story. I'm pretty excited."

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    Deep Space

    Should of named her Alison Gore Cain.