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Lunches Seized and Tossed in Trash at Salt Lake City Elementary School for Kids with Unpaid Balances

While I understand the need for parents to pay for their children’s lunches, what do you think the appropriate response should be by adults running an elementary school upon realizing that some young children with unpaid balances had already been served a full hot meal?

Personally, I would assume that any reasonable human being would allow the children to eat the lunches while at the same time calling up their parents to sort out the problem. However, that’s not the action deemed appropriate by the “child-nutrition manager” that visited Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City this past Tuesday. Nope, this person decided that the best course of action was to seize already served lunches and throw them in the trash in front of the victim’s classmates. Mind you, this person is called a “child-nutrition manager.” So someone in charge of “child nutrition” thinks he or she is doing their job by ensuring malnourishment due to unpaid balances.

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    Petunia Skrebbles

    The entire society is being brainwashed into acting like the khazars do to their Palestinian inmates who are locked  up behind concentration camp type walls.  their children are treated exactly like that and most times worse.  Many are killed, maimed, sexually assaulted, imprisoned etc.   They would be lucky just have their lunches thrown away.  Hasn't anyone else noticed the cold heartless condition of our so called public servants that we pay with our taxes?  Time to quit paying taxes.... and stop all this.

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      A malnourished mind is a malleable mind.Says so right here -

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        Man pays off students’ negative lunch account balances

        A man, upset after hearing about a Utah school that trashed lunches for students with delinquent lun..., paid off 60 negative lunch account balances at a Houston elementary school this week.

        Kenny Thompson, a longtime school tutor, said he felt the need to act after hearing about the incident in Utah, he told KPRC.
