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This is a recipe for disaster for our country!

90% is iodine deficient

video 49:00 - 52:00

My mother is freezing all the time. I could not understand why. That may also be a symptom of thyroidism - too little iodine?

When body temperature is too low nothing will work as it should .. of course. So there will many types of symptoms for this single deficiency. Scary

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    Not mainstreamer

    Iodine Deficiency - Part 1

    Dr. Cooper checked if it was true there was no iodine in UK salt? Yes, that was true.

    Then was there really no checking of urine iodine in UK? Yes, nothing of that.

    Europa was worst in iodine deficiency. Dr. Cooper was amazed.

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      Not mainstreamer

      Conventional medicine about hypothyroidism

      "Hypothyroidism : What is it, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments For Hypothyroidism"

      What is the cause is not answered thought that is in title (!) = meaning they are trying to fool people (iodine is not in "treatment" (!) ) (sometimes "too much" iodine is present as a major problem (!) - > see previous message: "I looked at one "dr" with warnings about taking iodine...")

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        Not mainstreamer


        Historically, Lugol's was widely available and used for a number of health problems with some precautions . Lugol's is sometimes prescribed in a variety of alternative medical treatments. Lugol's solution is available over the counter in the USA as of January 2007, although the DEA is considering a public ban on all iodine solutions of greater than 2.2% because iodine is required for the production of methamphetamine. Lugols is available over the counter in Canada.

        Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in April 1986, Lugol's iodine was given to 10.5 million children and 7 million adults in Poland, as a remedy to the possible accumulation of radioactive iodine-131 in the thyroid.

        There is a lot of attempt to present iodine as "toxic" (take away iodine and we will die - every cell in body uses it - iodine used to be the most common cause for diseases).

        The "research" about iodine as "toxic" is bogus. Conventional medicine will propose radioactive iodine to kill thyroid -> the Dark Ages of Medicine

        video 45:00

        (One source told iodine was added to drinking water in Finland to fight breast cancer.

        When iodine in body is increased by 20+ times (as in Japan): breast cancer and most cancer disappear more or less, gives protection against radioactivity, better IQ, hypothyroidism disappears ++)