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Pot Buyers Add More Than $1M to Colo. Tax Coffers

Pot Buyers Add More Than $1M to Colo. Tax Coffers
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    “Wow, we’re going to have really nice schools, really nice roads and really nice bridges,” said Eva Honingford-Woolheiser, co-owner of Northern Lights Cannabis just outside Denver.

    It’s those municipal projects made possible with marijuana tax money that has legislators in various states watching closely.

    In Rhode Island, where there is a $100 million state budget deficit, state Sen. Joshua Miller has proposed legislation to change marijuana laws similar to what Colorado voters did.

    “The kind of money that could be generated through this is an amount that could take care of more than 20 percent of the deficit that we’re running every year,” he said. “So it’s a very important revenue source potentially.”

    Miller believes legal pot sales could generate $20 million or more a year. And he says it would also cut back on the government costs of running jails and prisons because legal sales would reduce arrests and incarcerations.