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UN Agenda 21 aka "Smart Growth" = NO PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS

UN Agenda 21  aka "Smart Growth"  = NO PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS + Smart Meters Forcing Society Back to Ghettos


UN Agenda 21 Smart Growth has five tenets:

Existing Infrastructure (rehabilitate areas already established in the city) Maybe Americans like living on their farms, why force them into ghettoes?

Low Auto Dependence (no driving within a community, offering trolley, buses, walkways, bike paths, rails) What if I don’t want to give up my car? What if I cannot bike, walk, take bus, or train?

High Density (anti-sprawl, plucking us from the suburbs and placing us forcefully into tenements with specific boundaries)

Mixed-Use, Mixed-Income (multi-income community with multi-problems, disease born by overcrowding and close proximity, schools, supermarkets, retails, pharmacies, and work within the confines of the boundaries of the community; if it sounds Orwellian, it is).

Whole Community (all this crowding and proximity is supposed to create a wonderful kumbaya sense of togetherness and community) Yes, I remember the sense of community we had in our communist tenements, noise, dirt, disease, everybody spying on everybody else for a little extra food handouts from the ruling elite, beatings, and disappearances.

After the secret deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin responded with no hesitation, “A republic, if you can keep it.” It looks like we are not going to keep our republic, we are headed in uncharted territory for us, a mixture of fascism and communist totalitarianism. The sad and frustrating thing is that Americans are acquiescing either because they are uninformed, have not studied history, are not paying attention, or are refusing to believe the evidence before their eyes.


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    Not mainstreamer

    There is of course too little infomation about Agenda 21. 

    I noticed this news headline on source site

    "Probiotics: The Surprising New Way to Lose Weight"

    .. that is sponsored advertisement in the form of "news"

    Meaning: When there is critics of Agenda 21 the same site will give equal space to Zionist media = there is no way critics will be dominant, everything will depend upon corporate money.

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      Not mainstreamer

      So what exactly does Agenda 21 contain? It consists of 115 different and very specific programs designed to facilitate, or to force, the transition to Sustainable Development. The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of the Earth Summit, is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The agenda is broken up into 8 ‘programme areas for action’:

      Agenda 21 was the main outcome of the United Nation's Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Agenda 21 outlines, in detail, ...

      When Agenda 21 has been topic hardly any understand what it is - myself included. It is probably a broad project about redefining world problems into a "need" for a global solution (One Word Government). Those who see throught this (%) are few.

      (What we are witnessing is the mass of resources the Khazarian Elite is able to activate. Some critical authors do not matter. What matters is MSM promoting all this - as outlined. In the end (current state) people logically will ask for a One World Government ... as easy as to make them drink acid soda - killing themselves)

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