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Explanation from Wikipedia required

When searching for "Robert Morse" (ND) there is no entry. How is that possible, unless Wikipedia is censoring? (here trying to keep people in the dark about this exceptional medical thinker - very critical about conventional medicine)

Robert Morse ND has been active lecturing for 42 year and has authored many books

"God's Herbs" by Dr. Morse

Robert Morse, ND, DSc, ID, MH, is the founder of God's Herbs in Port Charlotte, Florida. He has lectured and taught in the natural health sciences throughout the world for the past 42 years and has authored many books on health and spirituality. He has appeared on numerous television news programs and international documentaries presenting, case studies, and education on detoxification and cellular regeneration.

Dr. Morse holds a Doctorate of Science in Biochemistry and a Doctorate of Naturopathy from Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England. He is a master herbalist with degrees from many institutes. Dr. Morse is a member of The International Association of Naprapathic Physicians, the American Naturopathic Medical Association, and a Board Certified Naturopath by The Board of Examiners of the American Naturopathic Medical Certification & Accreditation Board, Inc. Dr. Morse is an honorary member of (ASPEMT) Associacao Professional dos Especialistas DA Medicina Tradicional (Portugal). Dr. Morse was given an honorary degree from the Medical Association of Portugal for his professional work in tissue regeneration. He also holds certificates from Iridologists International and was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in iridology, nutrition, and holistic healing, personally presented to him by his friend, pioneering nutritionist, and father of modern iridology, the late Dr. Bernard Jensen. To get in touch with Dr. Morse or for more information about his seminars go to his website

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    Naked Soviet POWs in Mauthausen concentration camp. "... the murder of at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs is one of the least-known of modern genocides; there is still no full-length book on the subject in English." —Adam Jones[82]

    Meaning: These murdering Germans

    While the fate of German POWs is surpressed

    Wikipedia, which is becoming the cyber library to the world, is on a campaign to disallow any discussions that portrays Zionist Jewish history in an unfavorable manner. James Bacque, who is not an anti-semite, or a revisionist, still crosses the line and Wikipedia seeks to defame him as it does to hundreds of prominent truth tellers, journalists and legitimate researchers of the recent past.

    What is important here: Who is in writing History? The answer of obvious. And our history is falsified. Wikipedia itself confirms the accusations.

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      Not mainstreamer

      Texe Marrs: "DNA science and the Jewish Bloodline" is not mentioned in Wikipedia.

      "Texe Marrs" entry in Wikipedia entry is criticism as "facts", meaning Wikipedia's own rule is something Wikipedia editors violate.

      Texe W. Marrs (born 1944) is an American writer, who runs a Christian ministry called Power of Prophecy Ministries, based in Austin, Texas. He often criticizes Catholicism in favor of Protestantism and propounds that Ashkenazi Jews are the "descendants of Khazars".

      External links[edit]
      Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Texe Marrs
      Power of Prophecy: Texe Marrs' official website
      Bible Home Church: Texe Marrs' internet-based church Texe Marrs' news website
      Texe Marrs at the Internet Movie Database
      Critical review of Marrs' teachings by Kerr Cuhulain
      Disinformation in the ‘New Age’ – The Sad and Ugly Saga of Texe Marrs by Constance Cumbey
      James White, "The View From Marrs".
      James White, "A Brief Response To Texe Marrs".
      "Challenging the Anti-Semitism of Texe Marrs (a Messianic Judaism view of Marrs) {via Internet Archive}
      "An Open Letter to Texe Marrs

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        who writes the history books?  ....the victors!
