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US Isn't Prepared Enough for Cyberattack Threat

US Isn't Prepared Enough for Cyberattack Threat

  • Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday said the U.S. hasn’t done enough to prepare for cyberattacks but that the Justice Department would “take very seriously” the creation of a multiyear plan to deal with the threat.
  • “I don’t want to be alarmist, but I think the concern that you have expressed over the years is well-founded,” Holder told Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) in response to a question at a routine Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
  • “This nation needs to be afraid of where we could be after a cyberattack,” he said.
  • Holder said he expects the threat to increase, and that the U.S. hasn’t devoted enough resources to the problem.
  • “Our nation is at risk. Our infrastructure is at risk. And we as a nation, I think, have not adequately responded to it,” he said. “It is only going to get worse. The danger is only going to be heightened.”


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