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SEE VIDEO ON GMO FOODS - It's Worse Than We Thought!

In the meantime, many health experts now warn us to take the only positive action available to protect our health — avoiding GMOs as much as humanly possible. But considering the fact that GMOs are hidden in over 30,000 food products, that is not an easy task.

Fortunately, one courageous doctor has stepped up to the plate. Dr. Russell Blaylock, one of America’s leading medical researchers and nutritionists, has created a special free video presentation that explains the hidden health hazards of GMOs. Dr. Blaylock will show you how to protect your family from GMOs and their dangers — aisle by aisle at the grocery store.

Dr. Blaylock’s new video presentation exposes how GMO ingredients and other harmful additives are hidden on labels under safe-sounding names. In fact, you’ll see some of the actual labels and find out what to watch for.

And those stickers pasted onto fruits and vegetables? Using real examples, you’ll learn a simple way to tell the difference between GMO produce that may also be packed with harmful pesticides and herbicides, and produce that is safe and natural.

Cracking the GMO Code

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