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Eliminate freedom by IMPOSING A CASHLESS SOCIETY where the only money is ELECTRONIC.

The "Money Changers" Serenade: A New Plot Hatches - Eliminate the freedom by IMPOSING A CASHLESS SOCIETY where the only money is ELECTRONIC.

November 30, 2013  by Paul Craig Roberts

<Go to link at end of article for full article.>


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    Not mainstreamer

    When a person becomes a Treasury official it is made clear that the choice is between serving the banks and becoming rich or trying to serve the public and becoming poor. Few make the latter choice.

    Paul Craig Roberts is ok. He was an insider, but defected. There are things he cannot say. He is never spesific about what the Elite is. It becomes "the banksters", "neocons", "criminals" or something like that ... all possible names. When you are an insider money is secondary (money is no problem in any case). What matters is the whole future of a People - the common cause. (Freemasonry is not about learning the money game, it is about being loyal)