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Daniel Ellsberg about Snowden: The most important leak in history

Daniel Ellsberg:

In my estimation, there has not been in American history a more important leak than Edward Snowden's release of NSA material – and that definitely includes the Pentagon Papers 40 years ago. Snowden's whistleblowing gives us the possibility to roll back a key part of what has amounted to an "executive coup" against the US constitution.

And all that belittling by BoilingFrogPost

Sibel Edmonds:
Thank you NSA, Edward Snowden and the government PR machine. Thank you for restoring our superpower status here at home and abroad. Thank you for showing our super-ness in something: Snooping & Surveillance of everyone everywhere all the time. Thank you for expanding and putting back the fear of government into our people's psyche. -
The hidden code in the Snowden-Greenwald Mockery appears to be one objective; one message: Be Afraid, people, be very Afraid. You are watched every second of every minute, and everywhere. You live in a Panopticon State, so watch out (all the time) and behave accordingly. Oh, also, give us your money.

She has self-destroyed any credibility left

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    Not mainstreamer

    Sibel Edmonds

    Now You See it, Now You Don’t: The “Supposed” Bin Laden Kill-Raid to Remain Secret Forever -

    Can anyone show you any video, pictures, reports or documents of any kind that proves there ever was a raid on Bin-Laden? Can anyone present you with any proof proving that Bin Laden lived in that Abbottabad house and got killed on that date? 

    I expected her to say Osama Bin-Laden has been dead for 10 years. What she is saying is that we should not believe "the raid" itself on a Bin-Laden family house (that fact has been verified by numerous witnesses).

    Such denial will be like posing as an idiot on MSM media

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      Less Prone

      There are situations where you can't afford to be afraid, and the mankind is in such a situation right now.