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glen & greenwald new site. check this out

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    Not mainstreamer

    When trying to discredit Snowden and Greenwald (he is working so effectively Gen. Alexander is gone ... for incompetence?) one need credibility on Micheal Rivero's level

    Naomi Wolf:
    My Creeping Concern that the NSA Leaker Edward Snowden is not who he Purports to be…

    First attempt - a flop

    Sibel Edmonds:
    Thank you NSA, Edward Snowden and the government PR machine. Thank you for restoring our superpower status here at home and abroad. Thank you for showing our super-ness in something: Snooping & Surveillance of everyone everywhere all the time. Thank you for expanding and putting back the fear of government into our people's psyche. -
    The hidden code in the Snowden-Greenwald Mockery appears to be one objective; one message: Be Afraid, people, be very Afraid. You are watched every second of every minute, and everywhere. You live in a Panopticon State, so watch out (all the time) and behave accordingly. Oh, also, give us your money.

    Sibel's attempt - a nail in her coffin

    Would you survive a credibility test where everything you have written is used against you? Of course not. You need a name. Snowden and Greenwald has published enough for us to know them. That is not true for us other. 

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      Boy, it seems that some here think that they have all the answers and know it all. I'm getting really tired of it quite frankly!

      Ok, say Snowden, Greenwald and company are not the real deal... does that in any way take away from the message? Especially considering that many people in the US alone were not aware of the level of spying going on by our own Govt before Snowden's revelations. It brought it to a National and Global level like never before.

      Paranoia is fine but damn... just because someone receives attention, monies or notoriety because of the information they share and truth they impart, doesn't necessarily put them in the category of being a Govt stooge. If that's the case, you might as well shut down your computer and not trust anyone in the the truth community or in real life either.

      I try to take all info I read or listen to online with a grain of salt and use my own mind to decipher whether the info is credible or not. I don't need someone else to tell me what I should believe or think.

      I'm not religious but I love this quote from the Bible. "You shall know them by their fruits." If their fruits turn out to be sour and full of poison... put that fruit down.

      And is it really all about the messenger or rather about the message itself?

      Not everything is a conspiracy.

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        Not mainstreamer


        Reply by James µ???? ?aß? on June 14, 2013 at 2:46pm
        What happened to these two B and D ? I think this thread ran them off. But it is a guess. Free speech can be painful:)