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The War On Your Vitamins

The War on Vitamins

Supplement Availability and Affordability is Currently being Attacked.

Alliance For Natural Health - USA

February 17, 2014

The FDA has drafted regulatory guidelines that would cripple supplement innovation by turning an existing notification system for new supplements into a de facto pre-approval system that Congress never intended to create, making it increasingly difficult for newer and better supplements to be developed and retroactively jeopardizing all supplements marketed since 1994, even if they have a perfect record of safe use.

Coupled with the FDA’s history of hostility towards supplements, these expanded and unchecked powers could easily be abused to ban new and existing supplements alike.

The period to submit comments to the FDA closed on December 2, 2013  - BUT

YOU can still tell Congress and the President that you oppose the guidance and want them to do something about it!

Take Action!

Tell your Senators, Representatives, and President Obama that you are worried about the FDA’s overreaching new guidance by sending our editable, pre-written letter:Take Action

Ask your Senators and Representatives to sign onto Rep. Chaffetz’s letter to FDA opposing their new guidance by sending our editable, pre-written letter:Take Action

Don’t miss future action alerts! Make sure you are subscribed to the Pulse of Natural Health for the latest on this and other threats to your health!

Read More of ANH-USA’s Coverage and Analysis of the Latest Attack on Supplements

Copyright © 2013 Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA). Permission granted to forward, copy, or reprint with date and attribution (including link to original content) to ANH-USA


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    Big Pharma wants "complete control" so you will have to get a Doctor prescription to get vitamins and what you get will be the very minimum RDA (required daily doseage) and it will be expensive and only a small amount.  Big Pharma is owned by the Illuminati/Elites and this is all part of their plan to make us sick to kill off their goal of 80% of the world's population.  Our Food and Water have both been poisoned as well as empty of real nutrition.  Our stomachs are full but our bodies are sick and starving for real nutrition as a result of their poisons and GMO's in our food supply.  Fight back - stop them from taking away our last hope of nutrition through vitamins.  Send the letters above.

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      Not mainstreamer

      Big Pharma synthetic vitamins ... who wants that?

      Do we need iodine supplements when seaweed is abundant? Probably not. Do we need D vitamins when there is sun? Probably not. Do we need B12 when there is fish liver?

      Vitamin B12 is found in most animal derived foods, including fish and shellfish, meat (especially liver), ...

      Probably not.

      What we need as a start is 1) getting rid of drugs 2) getting rid of sugar & soda drinks, gluten-wheat, milk, fried food & transfat (what not to eat) 3) raw vegetable juicing

      What is good about using knowledge is - money saved