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Freemasons: Who are they?

Freemasons ; 5,000,000 walk among us (Documentary)

The video (a freemason version itself) formulates good questions, but wrong answers

40:00 A moral system based on the belief in God?
41:45 Jesus is missing - A religion of securalism
43:25 Ancient conspiracy to control the world?

Their modern origin is Knights TemplarĀ 

Their pagan roots/"Bathometh" is confirmed

Same with "Skull & Bones" symbolism

What video doesn't want to talk about is most revealing

Who are they?


Edit: Aaron Swartz

On the evening of January 11, 2013, Swartz was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment by his partner, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman.[70][87][88] A spokeswoman for New York's Medical Examiner reported that he had hanged himself.[87][88][89][90] No suicide note was found.[91]

Swartz's family and his partner created a memorial website on which they issued a statement, saying, "He used his prodigious skills as a programmer and technologist not to enrich himself but to make the Internet and the world a fairer, better place."[18]

(The similarity between Aaron Swarzt's death and the "suicide" story in London 30 years ago in video is worth noticing - camuflaged murders)

Their "silence or death" rules are real ..

  • up

    Not mainstreamer

    Washington DC is full of freemason symbols (from "Secrets in plain sight")

    Meaning what?

    • up

      Not mainstreamer


      Astana, Khazakhstan - WTF

      Did the video show us these buildings? No