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Citrus fruit pectin = Natural H1N1, H5N1, MERS, Cancer and AIDS cure

Citrus fruit pectin = Natural H1N1, H5N1, MERS, Cancer and AIDS cure

lemon kills bacteria and viruses

Lemon juice and its peels (natural and free source of citrus pectin) kills bacteria and viruses. 
Lemons have very strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers.
Lemon peel pectin is effective in warding off more than 800 types of bacteria and viruses. 
Natural lemon pectin (not the unhealthy, for profit pharmaceutical company made MCP - modified citrus pectin) also kills cancer cells and has been proven to be '10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.' (Institute of Health Sciences). 
Melbourne University recently discovered that the juice of the lemon kills the HIV (AIDS) virus.
The anti-viral healing power of lemons works both internally, by supplying urgently required vitamin C to your defense cells, and externally, through the application of its antiviral properties to the virus on the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. 
Lemon slices (with the peel) in water will protect you and your family from any man made virus:
>   including the UN's AIDS Virus (disseminated with UN's small-      pox vaccine),
>  the 2009 Swine (Obama released Venezuelan equine                
     encephalitis virus) Flu Virus, the Avian Flu Virus (H5N1) and      the H5N1 mutated MERS Coronavirus.