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Three 20-year-old programmers build a working Obamacare website in just days

Three 20-year-old programmers build a working Obamacare website in just days (which is more than the government can do)
<p>While the Obamacare website still remains broken, three 20-year-old programmers have shown the government how it should be done.</p>
<p>Ning Liang, George Kalogeropoulos and Michael Wasser developed a site in matter of days - and it does things the expensive and faltering can't do.</p>
<p>'They got it completely backwards in terms of what people want up front,' Liang told CBS News. The programmer continued: 'They want prices and benefits, so that they could make the decision.'</p>
<p>, which is just two weeks old, allows a user to simply input their zip code and view all the health plans available to them.</p>
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    Central Scrutinizer

    please don't give this to these criminal pricks you silly kids, also shows these lying bastards never wanted this to work, they just wanted your data, your life, and whats left of your bank account. Twas never about their concerns for your Health, we know these pricks want us dead.


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      joe banana

      Where'd they come up with the $700 million for the cost of such a project? Or, are you trying to say it doesn't cost,$700 million for a web-site. How about $1 million? How about $100,000? What about $1000? You're not saying someone in the obama administration pocketed $699,999,000 from this scam?