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#Anonymous #AntiSec #LulzSec #OWS

@JDF Takes on #Anonymous - Sadly Claim Antisemite Group- Pathetic!! #AntiSec #LulzSec #OWS #Peace

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    we believe ya

    - Israeli Official: Anonymous' Massive Cyber Attack Campaign Has Been A Flop

    JERUSALEM -- A concerted effort of millions of attempts to cripple Israeli websites during the Gaza conflict has failed, Israel's finance minister said Monday, claiming that the only site that was successfully hacked was back up within minutes.

    Cyber security experts said that such hacking attempts have become a new aspect of modern-day warfare and states have to invest in fortifying their virtual defenses on a battleground with vague terrain.

    Israel regularly fights off hundreds of hacking attempts every day, but nothing on the scale of the recent torrent of attacks.