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The Nazi who vandalized that Brooklyn synagogue is a... black gay Democrat activist.

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  • Boris

    Alleged synagogue vandal and arsonist James Polite is the same age and has the same name as the gay black Obama volunteer turned Christine Quinn staffer "on initiatives to combat hate crime, sexual assault and domestic violence" profiled in the NYT last year.

  • Boris

  • Sam Nelson

    If anyone has a good reason to vandalize Synagogues it is black people.  Black people know it was Ashkenazis, who took them into captivity in Africa, brought them across the ocean, half or more perished at sea, sold them in auctions as slaves and even until this day discriminate against them in every way they can, without letting the cat out of the bag. 

    Ashkenazis, Jews, by another name and before the Rothschild's invented the Jews, before the Rothschild's made their own kind of people, Ashkenazis, the people of the bible..

    Buying up the places black people might rent and charging black people high rent, draining the local welfare coffers in the process, taking over the stores black people might go to to buy food and other stuff, charging high prices for the stuff they sell, knowing blacks often don't have cars a lot of the time, getting around is hard for them.  Once again ripping off the welfare coffers, food stamps and rent subsides, two of the Jews scams that are really paying off big for the Jews, tearing our, people, not Jews, economy apart.

    Sure a Labron or a Jordon, but only because they make the Jews who control professional sports very rich; movie stars, talk shows, sure, but only to use them to infuriate white people with scripted claims that are not true.

    Isn't this, actually, a form of protest, and, isn't it surely, called for?