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Oh Lawd

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  • James Roberts

    Yeah, but also keep in mind how they''ve been F'ed over by the Jew. They brought them here, and have used public assistance, incentiviing single-parent homes, free abortions and glamorized drugs and gangs via Jewish Hollywood and TV and music. At one time, there were fewer illegitimate births in the black community in the US than the Whites (total, if I recall correctly, not per capita). No, you'll never catch me saying they are our equals, but their current state is no more 100% their fault than the state of our people is all our fault. Weird to hear this from an actual neo-Nazi, yes? But it is true.

  • Doc Vega

    Words to live, by, snakes to use hoes and shovels upon!

  • steve

    Another problem in the hood is interbreeding among siblings due to the fact that most households have 4-6 niglets by 4-6 different sperm donors who then breed with their unknown siblings  and so on causing mental problems to soar which is one of the reasons "fathers day" is hated in the ghetto.
