Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide by Jacco van der Worp, Marshall Masters, and Janice Manning
I know, I know, I know...I am not chicken little and the sky is not falling...but for the sake of the New World Order - I figured I better gear up and read this book on my Kindle - it was just a little over $7 bucks...and sure after the EMP goes off it will render my Kindle useless - but will it blank my mind?
I am enjoying this book on prep - it really is more on the history, science, folklore...not much prep aside from the fact that "Chance favors the Prepared Mind" one of my favorite quotes from what wonderful scientist?
I am not a doom and gloom type of guy but I love this whole cleansing 2012 is just interesting. My favorite part of 2012 is reading different books and seeing who is "aware" or in the it the Mormons, the Freemasons...are the Mormons Freemasons in disguise? Sorry I digress into Appollyon Rising (Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery o... by Thomas Horn which is an interestingly fascinating diatribe that hit all over the planet. I root everything in two favorites -
The 12th Planet (Book I) (The First Book of the Earth Chronicles) by Zecharia Sitchin(Hardcover - May 1, 1991)
and my author signed copy of....drumroll
The Return of Planet-X: Wormwood by Jaysen Q. Rand and Shusei Nagaoka (Paperback - Aug. 1, 2007)
All wonderful reading that will either encourage you to start stockpiling seeds or bullets...whatever your fancy!
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