A hacking group claiming to be part of "Anonymous" has announced the successful takeover of Iran's servers, which seems like a huge amount of work put into an agenda that seems to stray dramatically far away from their declared war on the Global Banking Cartel.

Eric Blair
Activist Post

Raw Story is reporting today that the shadowy hacktivist group "Anonymous" has proudly announced that it has full control over Iran's servers while releasing thousands of internal government emails.  After their manifesto declaring war on the international banking cartel, this turn against one of the only holdouts to joining that cartel raises speculation of their true intent.  Raw Story reports the motives as follows:
In a chat with Raw Story, members of Anonymous on the #OpIran server said they were leading the charge because they want Iranians to know they're not alone in their struggle against the regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 
...Apart from the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the hackers said they were targeting servers containing information about the Kahrizak detention center in Iran, a notorious site human rights campaigners have raised alarms about for years.
Anonymous released a video extolling their fight for the human rights work they're doing for the Iranian people:

The extreme level of work and expertise that would have had to go into such a massive cyber takeover would surely be driven by a motive much greater than protecting human rights.  Especially given that regimes in Saudi Arabia and Israel have been far more brutal to their local civilian populations than Iran.

This claim reeks of a Western-backed scheme, as it's obvious they have been desperate to figure out a way to get public support for regime change in Iran for decades.  And their intentions have nothing to do with democracy or human rights violations and everything to do with banking and oil control, and domination -- both of which "Anonymous" has supposedly declared war on.

Anonymous has tipped their hand with this play and it will cost them huge credibility within the growing movement of fully aware protesters who truly know the score.  Iran is not the enemy of the global freedom movement, nor are they remotely an enemy of WikiLeaks, nor are they a threat to cyber infrastructure anywhere.  It's obvious that sophisticated hackers have infiltrated Anonymous to incite more conflict with another non-aggressive oil-rich country.  In a strange coincidence, the Guardian reported today that 1 in 4 hackers is an FBI informant.

Or, perhaps, the Anonymous group has always been "controlled opposition."  Either way, it's clear they'll have a role to play in the unfolding cyberwar -- but it's beginning to appear that they will work for the establishment.

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anonymous its in really  goverment  a false flag  operation  ist perfect cyberterroris

i also think that Anonymous is perfect for agent provocateurs.  Close scrutiny would reveal authenticity if there is some reference to base these allegations of this being a co-op.

AnonOps Communications (http://anonops.blogspot.com/)

which is a site that is self-purportedly dedicated to report news about Anonymous does not show anything about Operation Iran.  A legion is 2000 right?  That would be 500 FBi informants.  It is also suspected that the agencies do shoddy work, i.e. Obama birth certificate, Osama death photos and now Operation Iran which doesn't conform to Anonymous' previous efforts and mission statements.  It is looking more like Wikileaks, showing NWO agenda rather than anti-NWO agenda.

Here is another site reporting Anonymous activity also lacking the Operation Iran.

AnonNews - Everything Anonymous



Operation Iran's news release can be found at: http://anonnews.org/?p=press&a=item&i=873

anonymous can be infiltrated by anyone with a computer connected to the internet, so it is guaranteed to have an impressive array of spies. The main objective is any violation against humanity and so far have been quite successful. If the main community of them do not agree with a proposed operation, they just opt out and voice their opinion on the irc chat channel: irc.anonops.ru #opiran For this particular operation or check the main channel for any other. I don't want to say "trust me" as you don't know me, but all are highly aware of infiltration. When they start committing crimes against humanity, you will surely know it is going bad (this is highly unlikely to happen).
Anonymous = Anyone performing a covert action

A group appeared "What Is The Plan" a while ago. Like 2 months ago. I was asked for association, checked it out and declined. I don't trust The Plan. Often, people give their power away to leaders, and anonymous haz no leaders. You could say that imaginary themes and memes are "leading". I've known hacker culture since beginning of the eighties (yes, I'm an oldie).

The oldest hacker meme is "Avail public data, protect private data" (a very context dependent meme that's hard to arrogate) and "pranking" (not taking ourselves and authoritative or leadership projections too serious). We did step in in Egypt cos government was blocking communication and attempting censorship. But most of our doing involved gathering resources and supporting ungoing communication for people in the streets. And "activist" and "hacktivist" cultures overlap strongly in Europe, hence our support for Greece and Spain. We have also supported Chinese and Tibetan activists being able to read and post in Western sites that were blocked by the Chinese regime. Borders do not exist in the digital world. And actually, they don't exist in the real world either. I found no stripes that matched the maps anywhere.

Anyway, plans never lead anonymous. People give away their power to plans too easily. That's how power-over arrogates our power-to-do and appropriates the done. And when a plan is named The Plan ... "The" is usually used to exclude others and often spells intended takeovers.

Follow The Shoe! Follow The Plan!

Big plans would block us from responding to real threats (ai-ki-do rulez!).

"The Plan" has "leaders" that "moderate" and "know" and the rest is kept in the dark. The second stage of their plan is not revealed. They kick out or block people who disagree with their projected intentions. All of that spells "not transparent" and "petty tyrant" to me. Anonymous haz transparent processes and actions even if the people doing it are masked.

The anonymii in Operation #OccupyWallStreet told me their chat channels were attacked by the plan, and attacks on anonops and power2all IRC servers have increased. I returned yesterday and personally have already been attacked twice? That happens rarely. Am about to strike back *g*.

All in all, "The Plan" feels more like a US military black op to me than anything to do with hacker or activist culture. The Plan is not Anonymous. Anonymous is not an Op. It's an open space. And I think The Plan is a space invader.

Thanks. Nana Silvergrim, another anonymous anonymiss avatar, is cap'n of her own ship too. She is in power ~ follows back who follows her (save for some petty tyrants and trolls) and doesn't arrogate and appropriate. Verification and validation key for her.

http://folly-roger.blogspot.com/  (main site)


Also running posterous, tumblr, twitter and friendfeed accounts.

She could use some feedback and suggestions for supporting people finding solutions and educating themselves for dancing with energy (becoming capn of their own ship) as a basis for further action.

In return she will make a 12160 link in the navbar of her blogspot.

I  certainly  HOPE  they  will  work  for  the  establishment!!   But,  I  agree  -  why  Iran?   Of  all  the Countries  at  War  they  are  targeting  Iran.  Or  better  put  -  coming  to  their  aid...     I  suppose  we  will  find  out  soon  enough.
I dunno, but I have a gut feeling it has to do with http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/08/partisansh...

Anonymous have a few posters with the hat tilted sideways revealing one eye.

Threathened  with life in prison,most people cave in.


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