All Videos Tagged Brooklyn (12160 Social Network) - 12160 Social Network2024-09-07T10:38:44Z York artists secretly erect Edward Snowden statue in Brooklyn - Traitorous Pigs Take It,2015-04-07:2649739:Video:15503662015-04-07T02:15:17.050ZDeep Space
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Published on Apr 6, 2015<br></br>
Unknown guerilla artists erected a statue of Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who blew the whistle on the agency’s vast surveillance program, in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood. The Monday morning event caused some controversy and some rejoicing in the area. Alexey Yaroshevsky reports from the…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Published on Apr 6, 2015<br />
Unknown guerilla artists erected a statue of Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who blew the whistle on the agency’s vast surveillance program, in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood. The Monday morning event caused some controversy and some rejoicing in the area. Alexey Yaroshevsky reports from the scene. RAW Video : Brooklyn "protest" spills into pharmacy | Flatbush Riot Kimani,2013-03-15:2649739:Video:11509962013-03-15T02:19:49.756Ztruth
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Following an ugly night in Brooklyn in which bottles and fruit were thrown, bus windows were broken and a<br></br>
pharmacy was ransacked, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly detailed Tuesday<br></br>
what he believes took place a day earlier.<br></br>
While Monday night's violence occurred in the midst of a march<br></br>
protesting a weekend police shooting in…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Following an ugly night in Brooklyn in which bottles and fruit were thrown, bus windows were broken and a<br />
pharmacy was ransacked, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly detailed Tuesday<br />
what he believes took place a day earlier.<br />
<br />
While Monday night's violence occurred in the midst of a march<br />
protesting a weekend police shooting in East Flatbush, Kelly said it<br />
wasn't a riot that broke out, but rather actions perpetrated by a<br />
disorderly group that splintered off from the crowd."<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Breaking - Protesters clash with cops over Brooklyn police shooting<br />
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<br/><p></p> Breaking - Total media blackout of Police Flooding-in to Brooklyn Neighborhood New,2013-03-15:2649739:Video:11508702013-03-15T01:57:21.126Ztruth
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<td class="tsw" valign="top"><h3 class="r"><a class="l" href="" target="_blank">Clashes at Kimani Gray Vigil</a>
<div class="slp"><span class="news-source">Village Voice (blog)</span><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="f nsa">1 hour ago</span></div>
<div class="st">On Wednesday, the <em>New York</em> Daily News published an interview with the only civilian eyewitness to come forward in the case. Tishana King <em>...</em></div>
<div><div class="esc-extension-container" id="esc-extension-43982010039766" style="display: block;"><div><div><a class="news-non-lead-article" href="" target="_blank">More violence in <em>Brooklyn</em> after the Kimani Gray shooting</a><div class="news-secondary-source-timestamp"><span class="f nsa news-source">Capital New York</span><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="f nsa">13 hours ago</span></div>
<div><a class="news-non-lead-article" href="" target="_blank">Councilman Blames 'Outsiders' for Inciting <em>Brooklyn</em> Violence</a><div class="news-secondary-source-timestamp"><span class="f nsa news-source">DNAinfo</span><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="f nsa">2 hours ago</span></div>
<div><div><a class="news-non-lead-article" href="" target="_blank">Mom of NYC teen shot by police: Why was he killed?</a><div class="news-diversity-category-wrapper"><span class="news-diversity-category">International</span><div class="news-source-timestamp"><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="news-source">Centre Daily Times</span><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="f nsa">18 hours ago</span></div>
<div><a class="news-non-lead-article" href="" target="_blank">Anger in East Flatbush Persists Over Teenager's Killing by the Police</a><div class="news-diversity-category-wrapper"><span class="news-diversity-category">In-Depth</span><div class="news-source-timestamp"><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="news-source">New York Times</span><span class="hpn" style="padding: 0pt 4px;">-</span><span class="f nsa">Mar 13, 2013</span></div>
<div><a class="news-non-lead-article" href="" target="_blank">Third Night Of Unrest After Teenager Is Fatally Shot By <em>New York</em> <em>...</em></a> Police Flood the streets of this neighborhood in Brooklyn New York ! <a href=""></a>... <a href=""></a>...</div>
</div> Jon Stewart takes aim at Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind’s,2013-03-02:2649739:Video:11368112013-03-02T04:36:46.669Zguest_blog
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</a> <br></br><p><iframe frameborder="0" height="288" src="" width="512"></iframe>
<p>Crazy Stupid Dov - The War on Purim<br></br> Following the Dov Hikind blackface controversy, Jessica Williams calls for a return to Purim's historical traditions.<br></br> Tags: <br></br> Jessica…</p>
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<p>Crazy Stupid Dov - The War on Purim<br/> Following the Dov Hikind blackface controversy, Jessica Williams calls for a return to Purim's historical traditions.<br/> Tags: <br/>
Jessica Williams<br/>
<p><iframe width="512" height="288" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
New York City<br/>
African American<br/>
audience interaction<p></p> Homeless Family Occupies Foreclosed Home in Brooklyn (Inside Story),2011-12-07:2649739:Video:7222292011-12-07T20:20:07.091Ztruth
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