All Videos Tagged Chemical (12160 Social Network) - 12160 Social Network2025-02-10T07:52:45Z INTERVIEW: Patrick Henningsen talks to RT - Easily Duped: Trump Surpasses Bush, Falling for ‘Chemical Weapons’ False Flag In,2017-04-16:2649739:Video:16776312017-04-16T01:53:58.865ZDeep Space
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>The following segment was recorded on live TV the day before the US launched its Tomahawk missile strike on Shayrat Air Base in Syria.<br></br>
21st Century Wire Editor Patrick Henningsen explains how Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Rex Tillerson have just surpassed the Bush administration in their WMD ignorance.…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />The following segment was recorded on live TV the day before the US launched its Tomahawk missile strike on Shayrat Air Base in Syria.<br />
21st Century Wire Editor Patrick Henningsen explains how Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Rex Tillerson have just surpassed the Bush administration in their WMD ignorance. Watch: Vitamins: A Multi-Billion Dollar Scam? (The Pharma Cartel Wants You Sick & Dead),2014-01-08:2649739:Video:13900432014-01-08T04:58:58.271ZDeep Space
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />The Pharma-Cartel wants you Sick & Dead.
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />The Pharma-Cartel wants you Sick & Dead. Inside Story - Syria: Chemical warfare?,2013-08-28:2649739:Video:12988082013-08-28T04:19:30.687ZRia
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>In Syria, women and children were among the dozens found dead under suspicious circumstances this week. Rebel forces said more than 1,000 people were killed by the government in a chemical weapons attack, while the authorities dismissed the report as "baseless". So, where does this incident leave the international community, if the so-called red line has been crossed? And is a…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />In Syria, women and children were among the dozens found dead under suspicious circumstances this week. Rebel forces said more than 1,000 people were killed by the government in a chemical weapons attack, while the authorities dismissed the report as "baseless". So, where does this incident leave the international community, if the so-called red line has been crossed? And is a political solution still possible for Syria?<br />
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</p> Unfathomable Chemical blankets Smother The Earth-Mackerel Chemclouds from 40,000,2013-03-29:2649739:Video:11642472013-03-29T18:13:58.820ZJOE
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Its such a hopeless feeling to know i was the only one on this flight that could witness these clouds of death below me..This mackerel chemcloud design cover...
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Its such a hopeless feeling to know i was the only one on this flight that could witness these clouds of death below me..This mackerel chemcloud design cover... Food Investigations -,2013-02-25:2649739:Video:11319042013-02-25T21:02:41.976ZRia
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />"Pharmaburger" reveals a dangerous agenda to turn fast food restaurants into pharmacies by handing out prescription medications for free at fast food restaurants.
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />"Pharmaburger" reveals a dangerous agenda to turn fast food restaurants into pharmacies by handing out prescription medications for free at fast food restaurants.