All Videos Tagged Soldiers (12160 Social Network) - 12160 Social Network 2024-09-21T01:00:45Z War Letters: from the men and women in the front lines,2013-01-21:2649739:Video:1099204 2013-01-21T08:10:15.037Z Ria In every American war from the Revolutionary War to the Persian Gulf War, American military men and women have captured the horror, pathos and intensity of warfare by writing letters home. Tens of thousands of these letters have been handed down from generation to generation. Using the most compelling and enlightening of these missives, War Letters tells the story of American wars from the viewpoint of the men and women in the front lines. In every American war from the Revolutionary War to the Persian Gulf War, American military men and women have captured the horror, pathos and intensity of warfare by writing letters home. Tens of thousands of these letters have been handed down from generation to generation. Using the most compelling and enlightening of these missives, War Letters tells the story of American wars from the viewpoint of the men and women in the front lines. The Taboo of Confronting Soldiers,2013-01-11:2649739:Video:1092116 2013-01-11T09:19:45.786Z TheLasersShadow <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />I've made a number of videos addressing the police and military over the past several years trying to get them to recognize the danger of our current situati... <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />I've made a number of videos addressing the police and military over the past several years trying to get them to recognize the danger of our current situati... Thousand Of Soldiers Mass Along Border : Tehran: Azeri Drones on 'Spy Missions' along Iran Border,2012-12-09:2649739:Video:1058839 2012-12-09T15:29:22.685Z JOE <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br><a href=""></a> "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br /><a href=""></a> "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpo... 1948 IDF Veteran Tells All About Israeli Role In Massacre Of Palestinians in 1948,2012-10-31:2649739:Video:1028979 2012-10-31T19:40:22.064Z Ria <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>Dozens of Israeli army veterans have admitted their involvement in massacres against Palestinian civilians in 1948, and acknowledged that Zionism misled them and is a catastrophe for both Jews and Arabs. The details have been revealed by the Yazkern organisation, which was founded in 2001 and seeks to unveil the truth and spread the Palestinian narrative of… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Dozens of Israeli army veterans have admitted their involvement in massacres against Palestinian civilians in 1948, and acknowledged that Zionism misled them and is a catastrophe for both Jews and Arabs. The details have been revealed by the Yazkern organisation, which was founded in 2001 and seeks to unveil the truth and spread the Palestinian narrative of the country’s history among Israelis and convince them of Zionism’s false account. The organisation believes in a one-state solution and in Palestinians’ right to return to their land and homes.<br /> Israeli army veteran Amnon Neumann is 82 and from Haifa. He said that he was a member of the Palmach, the elite fighting force of the Haganah, the underground army of the Yeshuv Jewish community during the period of the British Mandate of Palestine. Neumann joined the Palmach in 1946 after he came to Palestine from Poland at the age of 16.<br /> <br /> He said that there were no real battles due to Palestinian poverty and lack of organisation, training and arms. The official Israeli account of that period claims that the displacement and killing of Palestinians was the normal result of a war.<br /> <br /> Mr. Neumann admitted that he took part in displacing Palestinians from the villages of Simism, Najd, Kawkaba, Burayr and other places which were fully inhabited by their owners; this runs contrary to Zionist claims. Confessing to his participation in the massacre that was committed against the people of Burayr, Neumann noted that they had Czech-made guns which they used to expel the local inhabitants towards the Gaza Strip.<br /> <br /> The Haganah forces were surrounding the village on three sides, he recalls, and firing in the air before entering and expelling its people forcefully. The houses were burnt down, as per the orders the armed forces had received. According to the veteran, he heard a confession by a Haganah officer after the occupation of Burayr that he had shot a Palestinian girl in the head after raping her. It was later revealed, said Neumann, that the girl had indeed been raped.<br /> <br /> Another veteran, Arhamel Khnovitc, also 83 years old, now lives in the settlement of Daghania. He confessed that he took part in the massacre in the Dahmash Mosque in Al-Lydd in July 1948; he also took part in the ethnic cleansing of the villages of Jamzu and Dan’el.<br /> <br /> “I headed to the mosque, as per an order from the command, and I kept my ears and eyes open after I quietly opened the door,” said Khnovitc. “Then I fired a Fiat missile, following orders. Many corpses flew and got stuck to the walls due to the severity of the blast.”<br /> <br /> Benyamin Eisht, 85, who lives in Bilhaym, said that he saw the Palestinian survivors of Al-Lydd and Ramla after the massacre, walking in lines toward Ramallah, with dead bodies scattered on the sides of the road.<br /> <br /> The testimony of 83-year-old Yitzhak Tishler, who lives in Mafsirt Tsyon, confirms the accounts provided by other veterans who spoke of looting houses and stores. He also said that he took part in the killing of dozens of villagers in the village of Al-Sheikh near Haifa in revenge for the Jewish workers who were killed in a quarrel near Rifyanry.<br /> <br /> (Source: <a href=""></a>) HRW Report: Al Gaddafi was never "hiding" in a "drainage pipe",2012-10-23:2649739:Video:1022682 2012-10-23T16:47:04.365Z Ria <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>Human Rights Watch has compiled an extensive report on the martyrdom of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. It describes a battle with Colonel Al Gaddafi, General Abu Bakr Younis, and Libyan soldiers against the NATO rats that the USA had called in to finish the job they had attempted from the skies. Al Gaddafi was armed with an assault rifle, plus the famous gold… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Human Rights Watch has compiled an extensive report on the martyrdom of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. It describes a battle with Colonel Al Gaddafi, General Abu Bakr Younis, and Libyan soldiers against the NATO rats that the USA had called in to finish the job they had attempted from the skies. Al Gaddafi was armed with an assault rifle, plus the famous gold plated pistol, that the rats later displayed as a trophy.<br /> <br /> After the NATO air attack on their convoy, the patriots had crossed open fields, under fire, and had taken up a position in a trench, which had been dug, by the Great Libyan Jamahiriya, to protect water pipes coming from a water treatment plant nearby. The patriots were defending their position in arms. The Libyan soldiers threw grenades at the advancing rats, but, tragically, one of the grenades struck a concrete wall, and bounced back into the trench, immediately killing General Younis, and seriously injuring Colonel al-Gaddafi in the head. The seriously injured Colonel was then captured, as a POW, by the rats, tortured and then murdered. Over 100 Libyan soldiers were also killed in the battle, many of them after they had been captured as POWs.<br /> <br /> HRW admits that the murder of the POWs was a war crime. Another 150 Libyan soldiers had been killed in the NATO airstrike on the convoy, which was attempting to break out of Sirte.<br /> <br /> The cowardly Western media have spent the last year telling lies that Al Gaddafi was "hiding" in a "pipe." In reality, he was fighting in a trench, as a patriot and soldier. It was very fitting that that trench is associated with clean water, as the Colonel had build the greatest humanitarian project of all time, The Great Man Made River, which now supplies Africa with as much clean water as the Nile flowing for 200 years.<br /> <br /> More here: <a href="http://www.telegraph...ays-report.html">http://www.telegraph...ays-report.html</a><br /> <br /> The Full HRW Report, titled "Death of a Dictator - Bloody Revenge in Sirte" can be downloaded here: <a href=""></a>