All Videos Tagged her (12160 Social Network) - 12160 Social Network2024-11-06T01:04:01Z Biden calls Nancy Pelosi after attack on her husband | LiveNOW from,2022-10-29:2649739:Video:22320802022-10-29T19:03:39.304ZParrhesia
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</a> <br></br>Just like Jan 6, it was a political attack by MAGA terrorists and had nothing to do with gay sex. During a rally for Pennsylvania Democrats, President Joe Biden spoke about the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul. Biden called the attack…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Just like Jan 6, it was a political attack by MAGA terrorists and had nothing to do with gay sex. During a rally for Pennsylvania Democrats, President Joe Biden spoke about the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul. Biden called the attack "despicable."B... Lady gets caught shoplifting so she takes a crap on the floor in front of her own,2022-05-31:2649739:Video:22049622022-05-31T15:07:03.483ZParrhesia
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</a><br />crazy karen shits on floor Even my dogs are housetrained
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />crazy karen shits on floor Even my dogs are housetrained ‘I am your best friend ’: Stranger hacks camera in 8-yo bedroom and talks to,2019-12-16:2649739:Video:19870422019-12-16T16:25:08.732ZParrhesia
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</a> <br></br>Subscribe to RT! <a href=""></a> RT LIVE <a href=""></a> Check out…
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</a><br />Subscribe to RT! <a href=""></a> RT LIVE <a href=""></a> Check out ht... Elizabeth Warren. Sorry about your dead daughter but we have to focus on the lawbreaking mother who hasn't seen her kids for a few day',2018-08-22:2649739:Video:18116782018-08-22T16:12:29.970ZBoris
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</a> 5th grade GIRL walked into the classroom shouting she was part of the Illuminati and threatened to kill other students.",2013-05-11:2649739:Video:11934492013-05-11T10:58:51.869Zguest_blog
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