At about 50 seconds into the above video, you see the supposed Libyan National Transitional Council celebrating in the Green Square, and waving flags!
Here is a single frame from the above. Note the flag they are waving, with the light colored center? That is the flag of INDIA! (And the people in the crowd look Indian!
THIS is the flag of the National Transitional Council, recognized by the US as the "legitimate" government of Libya (even though they are not elected). It looks like BBC couldn't find any celebrating Libyans, so they used an old shot of celebrating Indians and bet that we were too stupid to notice, just like they bet we were too stupid to notice when BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center building 7 before it actually happened!
Mark Ruffalo stars in #Darkwaters.Get tickets: Participant (Spotlight), DARK WATERS tells the shocking and heroic stor...
Deception has taken a dark turn, and it's no longer just about manipulating individuals. Today, mass brainwashing has become a powerful tool used to control ...
InfoWars reporter Jamie White was “brutally murdered” near his Austin, Texas, home on Sunday night, according to the outlet.Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWa...
Remember "Wag The Dog?" This is FLAG The Dog!
At about 50 seconds into the above video, you see the supposed Libyan National Transitional Council celebrating in the Green Square, and waving flags!
Here is a single frame from the above.

Note the flag they are waving, with the light colored center? That is the flag of INDIA! (And the people in the crowd look Indian!
THIS is the flag of the National Transitional Council, recognized by the US as the "legitimate" government of Libya (even though they are not elected).
It looks like BBC couldn't find any celebrating Libyans, so they used an old shot of celebrating Indians and bet that we were too stupid to notice, just like they bet we were too stupid to notice when BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center building 7 before it actually happened!