Mission Statement
The primary reason our site exists is because we are dedicated to offering you the opportunity to share information through internet activism, thereby exposing and fighting the New World Order. We offer our members a great opportunity to meet and make contact with like-minded people and to help inspire them by knowing that they are not alone in this fight. Networking with concerned people, gathering information and posting it from around the globe puts a wealth of information literally at your fingertips. You'll be inspired to take the knowledge you gain to not just the virtual world but to your local communities, friends and family as well. We will unite and be even more effective in this battle, especially when the difficult times come.
We try to maintain a user-friendly site with instruction pages and blogs that will allow you to document events in your area by adding videos, blogs, photos and text of events that Mainstream Media ignores. To achieve this fundamental purpose, this site strives to maintain integrity of information while requesting that all members show respect for others and make a commitment to honesty, fairness, trust and respect. We are after all in this fight together and we will not tolerate or support hate speech and judgment of a person or group of persons. While remaining a user-friendly site, we will not allow certain actions or information to be posted or displayed and we reserve the right to remove offensive materials and/or people from the site with or without notice.
The core values and principles which guide this site in achieving its purpose and performing its functions are the promotion of discussion and open communication, promotion of teamwork and appreciation for diversity, and the development of skills and communication lines to strengthen us.
In return all we ask is for you to help us grow in popularity by attracting more Anti-NWO activists to our site by posting links to your articles and posting on this site onto other sites. But please Do Not spam other sites, just a polite promoting with your articles. It is about give and take in which you may promote your site but we appreciate that you promote this site with equal fairness.
Rev 5/11
"Destroying the New World Order"
© 2025 Created by truth.
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