Alex Jones: Globalist conspiracy created Navy Yard ‘patsy’ shooter to ‘discredit’ me

Only hours after at least 12 people were reportedly left dead from a mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, fringe conservative radio host Alex Jones had already announced that the tragedy was a globalist conspiracy to “discredit” him.

“You better believe that even if they’re just pure jihadis that did this, even connected to Al-Qaeda groups out of the Middle East being commanded by the leader of Al-Qaeda last Friday to attack the United States… even if that’s the case, you can believe, like the last three or four cases, they’re going to try to connect it to and yours truly, part of the long-term demonization campaign,” Jones explained.


Alex Jones

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones speculated that the attack on the Washington Navy Yard may have been a false flag operation committed by disguised government agents in pursuit of some obscure goal to restrict liberty. Despite Jones' far-fetched and often offensive statements, conservative outlets like Fox News and the Drudge Report have continued to promote his theories -- coverage that has even inspired legislative action in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

After a gunman attacked the Washington Navy Yard on September 16, Alex Jones immediately wondered if the attack was part of some conspiracy, tweeting, "Who will the Navy yard shooting be blamed on? Terrorist? Tea Partier? Leftist? Lone nut?" Later, on his radio show, Jones said, "when you have multiple shooters like this, it has patsy written all over it," and compared it to the bombing at the Boston Marathon, which Jones described as "undoubtedly a false flag." At the time of publication, Reuters reported, "Up to three gunmen, at least two dressed in military-style clothing, killed several people and wounded at least four others in a shooting spree at the U.S. Navy Yard on Monday."

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Interesting, thx for sharing all that info. I'm trying to avoid traps and that helps a bunch.

The movement can be addicting and consuming.

No problem, although I'm not so sure how helpful I've been.  We can, and, I suppose, should learn lessons from the past.  But, at the same time, circumstances change.  What's happening now has its own uniqueness.  Youth have their own perspective, of necessity (since things HAVE changed in society).

I think Ra summed it up very well: Knowing the enemy, and knowing oneself.

One huge problem you have today that we didn't have is television.  Oh, we had television.  But not the profusion of programming--cable TV channels, maybe thousands of choices; of DISTRACTIONS. 

The Interent, which COULD have been a tool that was 95% educational, is being used by the system as a big tool of distraction.  Look at Yahoo "news."  Do we REALLY need to know what color underwear some Hollywood "star" is wearing today; or that someone won the Guiness award for the number of boogers he [or she] pulled out of their noses?

And the way the corporate news media was used as an actual WEAPON to destroy Libya was so diabolically evil.  I wonder if there's been any comparsion in human history.  The media would report that a "rebel unit" had captured an entire city in Libya.  The'd show a picture of maybe 10 "rebels" standing on a hill, waving their rebel flag.  And the caption would read, "Rebels celebrate capture of Misrata."

Well, we'd learn later, through the independent news media and, in my case, directly from Libyan Defence Force soldiers, that it was a lie.  What the "rebels" would do is this.  They'd go into a town where no one would see them.  And they'd create a photo shoot.

They were given these communication uplink devices that you wear around your belt.  I can't remember the name of them.  You can look it up.  So, they'd take the shoot, and then they'd uplink the flick to Al-Jazeera, which is owned by Qatar, the country that helped the U.S., Britain and France to destroy Libya.  Al-Jazeera is not even allowed in Egypt anymore, or they're broadcasts are block.

Anyway, Al-Jazeera would broadcast that "Misrata has been taken," and ALL of the corporate news meda would find out.  Another way you'd find out that it was a lie is that the media would drop silent for even as much as a week.  Something was wrong.

Well, what was wrong is that the masses, through our own investigations, would EXPOSE the lie.  Then, the corporate media would be forced to invent another story: "Qadafi forces recapture Misrata."  Bullshit!  It had never been captured in the first place.

The impact ot these tricks was MASSIVE.  Because even the people in Libya became confused.  They even orchestrated the "capture" of Tripoli in Doha.  It was a rehearsal.  But they broadcaste it on Libyan TV.  The citizens were confused and heartbroken.

So, what this did was caused the citizens to NOT react properly.  The Tribes that were on their way to Tripoli STOPPED, some of them, because they believed the broadcast.

But then, the REAL invasion came.  They did this kind of tactic over and over again.

So, you see, you guys are faced with something WAY different than we were, with this media business.  You can't even fully trust some of the independent outlets. 

I have no idea of how you can beat these tricks, other than some super rich leftist guy creating an alternative Internet service, and then very carefully screening everybody. But then we'd have the NSA--in a DIFFERENT form.

So, you're faced with different issues than we were.  One good thing you guys had that we didn't [at least not in the AMOUNT that you have] is a wealth of information on the composition and nature of the institutions of the 1 percent. 

In my day, there were very few people talking about the Warburgs, the Shiffs, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds. Oh, such people existed, but they were considered more weird than WE were.  There was a guy in Chicago that had a place called The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Knowledge.

And he'd be dropping some deep information about "the conspiracy," but we just visited him because he was STRANGE.  Little did we know that he had real, solid information about the web of institutions that conspire to keep us all oppressed.

Today, you guys KNOW these these institutions, and more and more information is coming out about them.  There are even members of the Rockefeller family [or so they claim] that have been interviewed, and they confess the place of that family in the conspiracy.

The problem you have--which is NOT new--is, what to DO about those institutions; those families; the secret socieites.  What to DO about Zionism, the military-industrial complex, etc.  Oh, you know who they are.  You know WHERE they are.  But, what to DO about them, that's the problem.  It's the problem we had also, except that I think that had we had our hands on that information.....Well, I'd better be quiet at this point.

The other problem that I sense that you have is that the system appears to be moving VERY fast to bring about WHATEVER the hell it's trying to bring about.  It seems to me that, in the eyes of the system, it's wrap-up time.  I'm not sure if we have much time left.

Anyway, it's a different day.  Also, WE FAILED.  Period.  Yep!  Those in my age group should be willingly openly admit that. 

The tenacity of the 1 percent is mind-boggling.  The way they STICK to their plans, it's as if they have a RELIGION.  They will work non-stop, for DECADES, to destroy the unions; to get rid of the idea of pensions, and replace them with 401-K's, and shit like that that didn't even EXIST.

They will even dumb down the schools.

Blew me away, one day.  I was working at Northeastern Illinois University once.  I decided that I want to reveiw all of my math, up through Elementary Differential Equations--high-level shit.

So, I walked over to the math department, and found the head of the department.  Strangely, his office was tiny, but chock full of books.  I asked him, "Can you recommend some books for me?  I want to review the entire calculus sequence, plus Difeecue [nickname for Elementary Differential Equations].

He goes, "What period of time were you in college?"  I said, "Early '70s."  He goes, "Do you still have your books?"  I go, "Yes."  He goes, "Use those--they're better."

Then he explained (and he wasn't a leftist): "The math books being published these days are inferior.  Before, you learned PROOFS; you learned derivations; you got INTO it.  But, industry doesn't want that any more," or something like that.  I actually can't remember all that he said.  But, he did say that the books today were inferior to the books that I had used.

Conspiracy?  That's what we're told by the conspiracy theorists.  I believe it, too.

Then they depressed the wages, purposely.  In our day, there was a much stronger middle class.  And, contrary to what you might think [and you can look this up] the activists back then came from THE MIDDLE CLASS.  That's right.  They were people who had solid families with solid incomes.  Their families ALLOWED them the luxury of being activists.

I can speak for myself, though we were not middle class.  But, in a way, we were.  My grandmother had never even finished grammar school.  But she was very savvy.  She managed to get a big home in Chicago--our family home, with a LOT of land around it.

My dad was a unionized carpenter, and worked every day.  I was just a kid, and I had time to be active.  There were tons of people like me.  This has been analyzed.

Now, I was told that there's even a book that was published that said that the 1 percently consciously knew, after The Movement was crushed, that they could NOT allow that to happen again.  Supposedly, an actual meeting took place, and they decided to depress wages so that no one would have the time to get out and be active.

Again: can't prove that.  But, why wouldn't they?  They're very clever.

So, you're dealing with a cabal that knows the history.  They've studied it, and they learned the lessons.  So, young people today have to get 10 steps ahead of the cabal, somehow, and do something DIFFERENT, maybe.

My two cents.


The division is nasty -- Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street. Right vs Left. Republican vs Democrat. But wait, back up a second.

The Tea Party was started as a protest against the Federal Reserve Banks. So was Occupy Wall Street, because, what is Wall Street, if not the bank of every corporation in America. Minimal difference between the two, but both were programmed by MSM, FBI, etc, as complete polar opposites.

I've been sayin the same thing as you, that we need to unite against the common enemies, but then the MK Ultra Programs kick in and the system assigns some undercover FBI to antagonize and divide again.

Thats had the most damaging effect on me, personally. I've seen how they have set people up by method of fake girlfriends. The undercovers will befriend you, fuck you good, then spit you out like trash. So I have all sorts of trust issues, thanks to the government's response to activism. And corporate america is incredibly unified, blocking most activists from means of earning a decent living in the totally monopolized landscape. Many of the same tactics then as now.

I also fail to see how people are willing to be paid informants. Thats almost as bad as the undercovers who conspire to create false flags, who push people over the edge.

I don't think many in government understand how MK Ultra works and that they are doing MK Ultra brainwashing and mind control work. They don't get an assignment with a special seal saying MK Ultra.

Brainwashing can be drug induced , including trippy visuals  and weird music while strapped in a chair, but doesn't have to be. The program can run for months or years to tune a person. 

The management of the program is classified and top secret. MK Ultra is deeply integrated into the system today. A classic example of the execution of an MK Ultra program is any FBI  agent who worked online to counter the Tea Party OR OWS activists. By following their assignments, they executed an MK Ultra Division Program on society.

Not all of the MK Ultra stuff is radio frequency, drug coma shit. In fact, most of it is not. MK Ultra is, quite simply, manipulation of human beings. MK Ultra is just a software suite of prepackaged manipulation.

Gotta have rules right? Gotta follow the rules no matter what right? Gotta understand the chain of command and each person's place in it.

Everyone who works for the government, is to a degree, carrying out the government's mind control program. There are so many crazy programs that have become deeply integrated into the system.

I wish everyone would mind-over-matter, wish the government and banks out of existence. Like -- hey, tomorrow, the government is just deleted, period, gone. 90%+ of the population unified to simply delete the corrupt unsustainable government.

Don't show up to government work because it is closed for good. If anyone claims to be from the government, ignore them, call them crazy. If anyone has any beef to settle with the old government, the old government is gone, deleted. But the people who did the government's work are still around. Got a problem with the Iraq War? Take it to G.W. Bush. He doesn't have SS protection anymore either.

This debt backed currency? Deleted, gone.

Who owns your home? You do, not the bank.

What national debt? The war costs? Seek out the people who signed the bills.

Then, we can start talking about what to replace government with.

No sense in talking about Utopian Societies while living in a totalitarian nightmare, where like you said, they are "learning from us" only to oppress us.


God, I didn't want to say this, but something you said compels me to share this, although it is painful.  You mentioned how the system will set you up with fake girlfriends, "fuck you good," and then spit you out like trash.

My friend, it's deeper than that.  My friend, I have a daughter whom I love more than anything on earth.  She's 32.  But, she hates me, and her mother.  I'll just cut this off, because I can't go through the details.

My friend, the FBI has trained informants that are SO diabological that they will lure you into MARRIAGE.  The FBI will tell them to have a BABY by you.  The FBI will tell them to LIVE with you, for a period of time, and then LEAVE YOU. 

The idea is to destroy you, psychologically, and render you ineffective to The Movement.  Now, you guys can believe whatever you wish.  But, I first learned about this tactic in the year 1970.  It was told to me by a Cuban that had been trained by the FBI during the reign of Fulgencio Baptist, corrupt gangster that ran Cuba until Fidel Castro kicked him out.

This Cuban friend of mine was, in some ways, a great guy, in that he was a master herbalist and he cured people of cancer and other stuff.  But, other than that, he was a flag-waving ASSHOLE, and I couldn't stand that part of him.  But, he had contacts in Gary Works, which was, at that time, the largest steel mill in the world.  And I was young and needed a gig.  So, this dude got me a job there, because he was politically connected.  I worked as a laborer, stacking steel-clad bricks in U.S. Steel furnaces. 

Hernandez was the real deal, too, as I found out in my own way. 

I had a reunion with my daughter that lasted only three months.  I am 95% certain her mother was a plant.  But I can't tell her that until I have proof (which I'll be working on).

I'm SO glad you said this!!  Because, I have not mentioned what happened to me, except once, because people wouldn't believe it. 

From 1984 to 2003 I had recurring nightmares.  In the nighmare, the doorbell would ring.  I'd open the door.  And there my wife would be standing, with a smile.  She'd say, "I'm back.  I'm back to live with you again! We'll be happy!"

Now, this dream [get ready!!] would last, within the dream, FOR YEARS.  I'm talking about a dream that I'd have while asleep at night.  The dream would go on for years. I'd get up, go to work, come home.  We'd have beautiful times, etc.

Then, after years of living with her again, as a family, I'd come one one day [I'm still talking about the dream].  I'd go to the bedroom to put my keys and shit on the dressor.  There, on the dresser, would be a note.  It read,

"I have LEFT you again!!!!  And I WON'T BE COMING BACK!!!  I came back to live with you, so that I could HURT you again!"

I'd wake up from that dream screaming and hollering.  I'm lucky that my current wife stayed with me for so long.  I could not have remained sane, were it not for her.

One of the reasons why I try to remain open to people like Icke and Jones is because I KNOW how diabolical this government is.  I had friends who, long after The Movement ended, lost their jobs.  The FBI would walk onto their job, ask to speak to their supervisor.  They would just say, "Well, Mr. Smith...Well, it's nothing bad.  We were just checking up on him," and then they'd leave the office.

The next day, my friend was fired, just because the supervisor got freaked out by a visit from the FBI.  They did that shit countless times, to a LOT of people.  It was vindictive.  The Movement had been crushed.  That era had ended.  Yet, the FBI, viciously, remained at war against the activists. 

My ex-wife SOMEHOW always has money to go on cruises.  My daughter [who has consciousness] told me that she's angry at her mother for working [READY!!] for a Rothschild bank--DIRECTLY.

I told her that she MUST love her mother, no matter what.  I really feel that.  But, there are a LOT of things, now that I look back, that ain't adding up (Well, that ARE adding up!!)

I tell young activist: If you're gonna committ yourself, then know what that means.  Because, they'll fuck up your entire life.  And you can't get that back. 

Khashoogi is a good guy.  It was his son that the British killed when they did Diana.  MI6 did the deed and Khashoogi knows it now.  I can't wait to see his revenge.  If Alex is on GCN, then he is ok.  I have the same problem others did.  Alex would expose every thing except the khazar zionists role in this all over the place.   I then found  out his wife is Jewish as are their kids and his concern is for his children.  Now that I can understand.   However, the day is coming when he cannot avoid it anymore  so he might as well start slowly now. 

Very interesting.  I'm glad to read this.  It shines some more light.

If it was, then it wasn't to discredit ONLY Jones, but also.. military veterans, gun owners, video gamers, blacks.. basically 80-90% of males in America.

I can hear the thoughts of wives across the country, as CNN spews out some shit, and their husband squirms in the chair as they mention Call of Duty connected with this shooter.

CNN  was funded and is owned b y the CIA just like Century tel link.  Anderson is an actual CIA agent.  Wolf Bliltzer was an AIPAC employee before he was hired at CNN.  Mossad  runs AIPAC.   Cozy, huh?   MI6 created the CIA and mossad, so they run everything.  Even Truman said before he left office,  "I wish I had never signed the bill creating the CIA,  I don't know what they are doing, as they do not report to me at all.  I don't know who they do report to. "   I say its the british, THEY HAVE NEVER LET GO OF OWNING US AND ARE COMMITTED TO WORKING WITH THE ROTHSCHILD INTERNATIONAL BANKERS TO GET US BACK AGAIN, SO THEY CAN HAVE THEIR GREAT EMPIRE.  Why do you think two of our best allies, Israel and Britain,  have done more to betray us and murder our citizens than all of our enemies put together? 


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