Are you listening Nancy Genovese? How Charles Dyer Was Convicted Pt 2

(4UMF NEWS) Nancy Genovese Exposed As  Patriot Informant:Nancy Genovese aka Mysticstar has been exposed as an informant in the Patriot / Militia Commusnity as an informant.

Nancy Genovese's was first exposed as an informant in 2009 by several people, including the former owner of Nancy's website : American Resistance Movement, or ARM as it is known in the patriot community.


Another website that claims not to be affiliated with Nancy Genovese, is run by another informant called "Tom A Hawk" located : HERE


Nancy Genovese runs the Patriot Legal Defense Fund.  From this position, Nancy Genovese then infiltrated the defense support group of Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot.  The group's name is "Patriot's For Justice In The Case Of Charles Dyer, located on facebook, which has been exposed as a PysOp.

From the inside, she mismanaged his support in the form of :


Concealing petitions to free Charles Dyer from people who wanted to sign them, including his own mother:



Siphoning the funds for Charles Dyer's legal support by depositing the sale of the stickers into her own personal account while creating a controversy to ward off potential scrutiny by falsely accusing others of what she, Nancy Genovese, was actually doing. :



Working behind the scenes to have the petition removed:




Sabotaging his fund raising efforts by contacting to shut down Dollars 4 Dyer fundraiser:



Sabotaging legal efforts to free him in regards to the US Observer:

 Deb Swan and the US Observer ( Notice The Change in tone of the conversations:


There is currently a Board of Inquiry investigating Nancy Genovese's actions, including the most damning accusation to date, made by one of her members and close friend WALFRED  aka WALFRED L.E. {L = Law E= Enforcement?}

Walfred has offered the following worn public testimony that Nancy Genovese's close friends and fellow ARM administrators were the ones that set up Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot in the 2009 sting operation that ensnared Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot on the same case that sparked Nancy Genevese's initial involvement:




 The former owner of  American Resistance Movement, B.A. Brooks, released a statement on why he left ARM, here is a part of the statement located here:

"I have also learned that many individuals within the patriot movement are really informants/narcs and this is why I have now isolated myself from most people and organizations. It is not that hard to point out these individuals if you just sit back and watch what people are doing. Who is always starting trouble within the movement? Who is always pointing fingers and blame at others within the movement when in reality they should be focusing on the true political problems we are all facing? Who is always trying to create infighting within the movement? Who among you is trying to insight violence? When you start looking and listening, you will see clearly who these people are. I have found out in life that the person that is constantly telling you they are your best friend and will always have your back, is the first person to put a knife in your back. I do not talk about others in the movement but will tell you that a few of these individuals are highly revered by many and when they are exposed, most will be totally caught off guard and shocked. Many of you reading this article right now have unknowingly befriended FBI/CIA/ATF Agents, undercover law enforcement, informants and narcs. This is the main reason why I have disassociated my self with The American Resistance Movement, while also isolating myself from most others within the so called patriot or truth movements.

Many of these people are the real deal

but with that said, most have been seriously infiltrated or are actual federal agents. Learning the truth about all of these things has been very hard for me to accept because I have been such a huge supporter of A.R.M. and other organizations over the past several years that I must now walk away from." .... B.A. Brooks on why he left Nancy Genovese

The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance posted this about Nancy Genovese / Mysticstar here:

                                                                                             Hal Turner

As the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA),
has repeatedly tried to tell individuals and groups that the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI),had proposed building a network of 5000 informantsback in July of 2007.
For those in the Patriot (Sovereign-Citizen) and Militia communities that
honestly thought they wouldn't be targeted by this network of informants,
the CSA had some ocean front property for sale in Kansas for them.

The announcement that radio show host Hal Turner was an FBI informant,
should not have come as a shock to anyone that had read the
e-mail sent to his FBI handler and retrieved by Patriot hackers a year ago.

Hal Turner's own defense attorney Michael Orozco says that,
Hal Turner worked for the FBI from 2002 to 2007 as an "agent provocateur",
and was taught by the agency "what he could say that wouldn't be crossing the line".
"His job was basically to publish information which would cause other
parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest
," Orozco said.

Hal Turner is only the first "agent provocateur" to be flushed out.
The largest profiteering "agent provocateur",
of misinformation and disinformation has not been held accountable.

(Are you listening Nancy Genovese?)



 *She is also connected to Adam Kokesh

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WHO is July4Patriot


Looks like someone is going around with Juiy4Patriot, pretending to be him on his videos. The i is capitalized to look like an L. I knew he was locked up so was a little shocked to see him commenting on his videos, was hoping he had maybe been released, but turns out it was a fraud.

Yeah, that is July 4 "Patroit"...not Patriot  ( The i & o are switched. )

Write him yourself and offer words of encouragement, news, etc.

Charles Dyer (July 4 Patriot)

Tillman county Jail

1200 South Main

Fredrick, Oklahoma 73542


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