During a recent appearance on the StarTalk Radio Show, Real Time host Bill Maher expressed his desire to see more people killed via abortion, suicides and the death penalty because “the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”

Asked by host Neil deGrasse Tyson what he thought about the death penalty and abortion, Maher re-affirmed his support for both, remarking, “The Pope is consistently pro-life, I am consistently pro-death.”  

Expressing how he was pro-death penalty, Maher said, “my motto is let’s kill the right people.”  

“I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for,” said Maher, adding,

“It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”   Explaining how he knew many people who felt the same, Maher went on to say that “people who’ve earned it” deserved to die, remarking, “kill the right people.”  

The HBO host emphasized how he disagreed with the notion that all life is precious, referring to an argument made by Rick Santorum that prenatal testing should not be covered by the government because it encourages people to have abortions.  

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that,” said Maher, expressing his support for abortion and noting, “It’s not that hard to create life, it’s teeming everywhere, it’s something a dog can do.”  

Maher’s eugenicist views are shared by many liberals and others who consider themselves to be part of the elite.

read full article http://www.infowars.com/bill-maher-we-need-to-promote-death/

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Bill Maher is an ass~ if he wants to decrease the population maybe he should start with himself~ and all his death loving friends ~ maybe the "right people" to kill starts with the man in the mirror he makes me sick! he is just a hateful person :(

Tell Bill not to worry....They are already at it:

<ahref=http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,20120611,00.html>How To Die | June 11, TIME Cover Story</a>

(and don't forget Agenda 21, vaccines, global warming, etc. are all doing the same....)


Eugenics and progs and planned parenthood are as American as apple pie. If Maher would off himself I'll provide the rope and the chair.

So you going to set the example Bill? ...I thought not.


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