I believe that the image of the suspect hiding in a boat, in BOSTON, may have been photo-shopped.

It shows that the image was captured by their (STATE POLICE) infrared (thermal image) aircraft camera, and from an altitude of 1,935 feet.

The reason that I believe it was edited, is due to the perfect image outline of the person(?) in the boat - you can clearly see, with great definition - shoes, end of pant (trouser) leg, especially on right leg - you can see a small definition change, from the shoe, to pant leg - and of course; the definition of right arm (looks to me).

Most thermal images of persons or animals, and of even hot rocks, which retain heat from day time heating, would normally show up as a very gray or bright (almost white image) - all heat registering objects usually show up the most light grey or whitish (glowing) - all other objects, absent of heat registry usually show up as dark or almost black - like the outline of the boat should have.


In the first few seconds of this BOSTON POLICE video - it appears that there is a heat source in the boat - and that; if its a person - their head is situated towards the bow of the boat - the picture image shows the suspects feet toward the bow, and in a totally different part of the boat too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGIEx2cObpw

Most Thermal Imaging cameras, are equipped with "dual lenses" - thermal and regular video (non-thermal) lenses - the image shown in the link (photo) above, is clearly that of a thermally captured image, and not from a regular video lens capture.

Here are some other pictures (video) of thermal (heat) image sources - notice that all heat sources - including lights on inside house - show up as whitish - In the second link - the information on their monitor in the aircraft shows them at less than 1,400 feet above the images on the ground: http://youtu.be/0lvKjvk46u4?t=1m13s

Thermal Imaging: Facts vs. Fiction

"So a person, warmer than the surrounding air, appears “white” while the cooler surrounding air or buildings will appear in varying shades of gray - Infrared imagers are excellent at finding people and animals hiding in foliage because imagers see the heat radiated from the subject, not just the light reflected off of the foliage or person."

Source: http://www.pr-infrared.com/about-thermal-imaging/thermal-imaging-fa...

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Why photo shop it though?

I don't know - was he the one who was actually in the boat?

The photo image shows no heat signature?


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