May 13, 2010

brewer.jpg(left, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signs the law.)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

On Friday April 23, Arizona did something federal politicians don't have the guts to do. Enforce the immigration laws.

Immigrants will have to prove they are in the country legally. What's wrong with that?

You can't have a country if you don't distinguish between citizens and non-citizens. You can't have a country if anyone can enter illegally and receive the benefits of citizenship.

That is why the Illuminati media is up in arms about this legislation. "You can't have a country" is the message the Illuminati has for the American people. The USA will be merged into a world government controlled by the central bankers.

The people opposing this legislation represent a fifth column in America. The leading opponent is the impostor-in-chief Barack Obama, who can't produce his own credentials. The others consist of certain Latino and Leftist groups who are using immigration to invade and take over America.

I am not opposed to immigration. I am married to a Mexican. She entered Canada legally and applied for and received Canadian citizenship. I am an immigrant myself. I was born in Switzerland and am a naturalized Canadian. I am grateful to be a Canadian citizen. I don't believe in abusing this privilege by forcing Canadians to accept more immigrants than they want or need. I came here to contribute to the common welfare, not to invade and take over.

We are talking about illegal immigration. The fact that this is even an issue shows how far gone we are. Opponents of the legislation complain that it will lead to racial profiling. What's wrong with asking someone who looks like they are an immigrant to prove their status? They don't have a problem with searching everyone who takes an airplane in case they are terrorists.

No country in the world allows illegal immigration. Why should America? Israel does not let non-Jews become citizens. You don't hear the New York Times complaining about that. But here is their
biased article on Arizona.

24immig_CA0-popup.jpg(left, USA, all humans welcome)

Here is a list of the people boycotting Arizona. I urge you to notify them of your boycott. Urge your legislators to boycott them. They are mostly Union and Lefty groups. They are world banker dupes. Here are the cities you should boycott. Contact their tourism offices.

Los Angeles: On May 12, the L.A. City Council voted 13-1 to approve a boycott of Arizona. The city plans to cancel several contracts with Arizona. While the exact contracts are still under consideration, the result could amount in $8 million in business.

San Francisco: Supervisor David Campos and City Attorney Dennis Herrera are both calling for a boycott of Arizona. "We won't be sending any city employees to conferences in Arizona," said Campos. A resolution will be brought to the city council this week as well.

Boston: On May 5, the Boston City Council passed a resolution for city officials to identify city contracts and purchasing agreements with Arizona and Arizona-based companies, and end those agreements immediately. City Council President Michael Ross and fellow Councilor Felix G. Arroyo presented the resolution.
Similar proposals to the one in Boston are being presented in Springfield, MA; Worcester, MA, Washington D.C., Milwaukee, Chicago and New York. Let these cities know you will boycott them.
Boulder: City Manager Jane Brautigam announced on May 5 that employees of the City of Boulder will no longer be traveling to Arizona on business.
Oakland: Under the direction of City Council President Jane Brunner, the city of Oakland voted unanimously to boycott Arizona on May 4. The city is asking officials to "not to enter contracts with or purchase goods from companies with headquarters in Arizona, calls on city staffers to review existing contracts with Arizona companies, and aims to keep city employees from traveling to Arizona on official business," reported the San Jose Mercury News.

Other Updates on Boycotts & Movements
One blog,
Alto Arizona, includes updates on boycotts and protests across the nation, as well as a Twitter feed where opponents of the new law express their opinions.

On the other hand, support Arizona. Change your holiday plans to include this state.
Let them know!


We hear talk of "compassion." What about self-preservation? Many Americans have been trained to adopt behavior and policies that are simply self-destructive. Repeatedly, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion marvel that they (Illuminati Jews) have been able to teach the goyim self-destructive behavior.

Our countries are the basis of our freedom. Destroy nationhood and you  destroy democracy That is the goal of the Illuminati.     

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, May 12, 2010

Fully 73% say they approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them. Two-thirds (67%) approve of allowing police to detain anyone who cannot verify their legal status, while 62% approve of allowing police to question people they think may be in the country illegally.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted May 6-9 among 994 adults, finds that Democrats are evenly split over Arizona's new immigration law: 45% approve of the law and 46% disapprove. However, majorities of Democrats approve of two of the law's principal provisions: requiring people to produce documents verifying legal status (65%) and allowing police to detain anyone unable to verify their legal status (55%).

Republicans overwhelmingly approve of the law and three provisions tested. Similarly, among independents there is little difference in opinions of the new Arizona law (64% approve) and its elements, which are viewed positively.

Young people are less supportive of the Arizona immigration law than are older Americans. Fewer than half (45%) of those younger than 30 approve of the new law while 47% disapprove. Majorities of older age groups--including 74% of those 65 and older--approve of the law.

However, even most young people approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status; 61% approve of this element of the law while 35% disapprove. Larger percentages of older age groups support this provision.

Most Disapprove of Obama on Immigration

Just 25% approve of the way Obama is handling the issue, while more than twice as many (54%) disapprove. That is {snip} down slightly from last November (31%).

In the current survey, 76% of Republicans disapprove of Obama's handling of immigration policy, while just 8% approve. Independents disapprove of Obama's job on the issue by more than two-to-one (57% to 25%). Even among Democrats, as many disapprove (38%) as approve (37%) of the way he is handling the issue, while a quarter (25%) offer no opinion.

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