(CNSNews.com) - Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz., one of four Arizona counties contiguous with the U.S-Mexico border, said Friday that the U.S. Border Patrol has pulled back from parts of the border in his and neighboring counties because manning those areas has become too dangerous.
“And you frankly have Border Patrolmen--and I know this from talking to Border Patrol agents—who will not allow their agents to work on the border because it is too dangerous,” Dever told CNSNews.com in a videotaped interview. “Now what kind of message is that for crying out loud?”
Dever, a native of Cochise County, has been in local law enforcement in the county for three decades. He was elected the county sheriff in 1996.
Dever stressed that the Border Patrolmen are ready and willing to perform their mission of securing the border, but that Border Patrol managers had determined that in “some places” the danger was too great and they wanted to avoid the risk of an international incident such as a cross-border firefight.
“Now, I am telling you, the agents, you give them a mission, you tell them what you want them to do, they will go do it,” said Dever. “I mean, these guys for the most part are warriors, they are soldiers.
Nobody standing up, is this nation a nation of cowards, told to retreat in our own Country! We are being invaded and the American people let's it happen! Why are we waiting for the Government, why, because we are scared, they have won and you all better get ready for the camps, myself, I am on the way to the border! The Militia is active and they need help! So you all sit at your PC and feel safe for a little while! While you are waiting for the new Congress to do something, by the it will be too late and we will not be a Nation, we will just be people without a Nation!
pulled back because of danger?
how wimpy is that? come on now it's the border they are charged with protecting!
we bitch about pakistan not controlling it's border, but we open opur to every
criminal activty! golly gee!
looks more like they pulled back to have an excuse of whom to blame a false flag
on. sounds like pre 911 to me!
With the Militia being active on the border it just could be a false flag to happen, or they are hoping the American people do something so that it would give them an excuse to bring Martial Law! They the Elite are using every method they can to use the Constitution Against us! They know nothing is going to be done about their treachery, but all they need is a reason to stomp on us! No they backed off because they were told to, that is when the Sheriff of that County stands up and says enough! I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with volunteers! But I think they are told to stand down because they will start an international incident! It takes b*lls for a Sheriff to stand up and say not in my County! I'm afraid they are few and not here anymore! I see a lot that are not Sheriffs any more talking big though! There is one that I can think of, and he is in AZ right now, and he is an active Sheriff with a 1 million bounty on his head!
But, people are waiting for the elections this November to do something, but I'm afraid there will not be much left to salvage! And if you still have the old timers in there, the new blood will not be able to do anything any way! It doesn't matter, there is not enough people in the United States who will stand up to make a difference! They will get their new world order! People today would rather give in then stand up! They have lost the freedom and won't relize it is gone until it slaps them in the face! Then it will be to late!
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