"Here is a diagram showing 6 Latin American leaders who disagreed with America's policies, and who all got cancer simultaneously. Random coincidence? I think not. Anyone who has thoroughly researched the activities of the CIA is already well aware that they can give people cancer and heart attacks. They are MASTERS of assassination. They have wanted to kill Chavez for many, many years since he was one of the very last Presidents that was not under Illuminti control. I have zero doubt in my mind that the people they put in these positions next WILL ABSOLUTELY be under Illuminati control. This was a political power struggle designed to look like an unfortunate coincidence.. (The CIA very is good at that. They've had lots of practice over the years.)

Cancer!  A Secret Weapon?



Assassination by Disease (Cancer & Heart Attacks)Assassination by Disease (Cancer and Heart attacks)


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I read that Kirchner had a negative result at some stage.  

The US and its axis of evil is playing a dangerous game.  The leaders of these countries have links to secrets that Jo Public don't know or even want to think about.

The evil extends first and foremost at leaders of the countries where western capitalism see their profits, which is usually in the natural resources of this and that region.  The only advantage these capitalists have at the end of the day is the western military.  Remove the military advantage and what would be left would be the only way the world could go and that would be to advance together in all other areas.

There is a sickness that is being displayed by the leaders of most so called third world countries and it has been determined that they operate under powers that some do not know exist because they are ignorant of their nations past reality. Fortunately there is currently a remedy in action, however destruction will be visited upon these lands due to the short time we have left.

The sooner the masses know the truth about the evil that is running the world and who they are, will be a great relief. Then we will see just on which side each one as a collective is really on


Thank you Eyesspy! The Rothschilds have been operating this agenda since 1745. It has taken until 1998 to set up the entire system of control and manipulation.  Usury gave them all the Finance they ever needed to pull this off!  They knew humanity would be waking up at this time, that is why they are throwing everything that they have at us!  We can still beat these Bastards!!  When we stop supporting the rotten system it will collapse!  Do not believe in the OPPT, (One People's Public Trust) they are just another trap of the Elite for when they deliberately destroy their already failing system.

How long before Pres. Correa gets a cancer diagnosis esp since he granted asylum to Julian Assange?  And BTW, just because Gordan Duff claims that Assange is a Zionist agent doesn't mean it's true.

Only Time will tell Nikki.  They would find it only too easy to kill Assange, but they haven't yet.  Assange definately kept Israel's evil goings on out of WikiLeaks in the beginning, yet showed Iran and other middle Eastern countries in a very bad light, (Possible Dis-information) until people brought this carry on to the public's attend, then and only then did Small bits of information about Israel came to light. Not big massive things, but Minor things. 


If you knew just how Evil the Israeli Regime is, it would astonish and horrify you.  They have managed to get most of the Imecilic zionist population of Israel to Actually believe that they are superior beings and that we (gentiles) were put here to serve them like slaves!!  (indoctrination from Early Childhood) But the Regime behind Israel doesn't really give a flying turd about the Non=elitist zionist!  That is why the Rothschilds ask the US Miliatry to Spray Israelis with Chemtrails, that is why they add Fluoride to their zionists' Water supply!  They are being used just long enough to serve their purpose, which is to be sacrificed to an American invasion, so that the Arab world would then begin to trust the American Governments so that they can get support from the Arab world to Destroy China and Russia! Once the Chinese and the Russians have been removed from the Chess Board, there would be absolutely nothing to stop the NWO. 

That is there real intent.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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