Here it comes again!
Now comes the time when men and women do their work quietly and weep softly at home; for the global warming conference is in session and no one’s property is safe.
COP 16, the UN conference on climate change, opens today in Cancun, Mexico and CFACT is there!
CFACT is a UN credentialed NGO and has been sending delegations to UN conferences for many years, ensuring that representatives of UN countries are exposed to all points of view. Last year delegates in Bonn told CFACT's staffers that the only information they ever receive that questions UN climate orthodoxy is what they receive from CFACT. This is a record to be proud of and CFACT is working hard to do it again.
The collapse of efforts to create a binding climate treaty last year in Copenhagen, surrounded by Climategate, Glaciergate and numerous other “gates” have left efforts to create a successor treaty to the Kyoto protocol in disarray. While it is likely that a treaty will not emerge in Cancun, the damage this conference can do with or without a treaty is extreme. Many billions are at stake and those who have already been counting this money won't give it up without a fight. A treaty would be their preferred outcome, but they'll settle for smaller agreements as long as their money keeps flowing. The plan is still to spend billions that will have no meaningful effect on our climate and force working people in developed countries to foot the bill.
With huge sums at stake for carbon traders (whose markets expire with the expiration of the Kyoto protocol), warming science and policy campaigners, developing nations and subsidized industries in Cancun, the push for a new treaty will be fierce. The treaty proposals being circulated impose crippling costs and regulations that will choke off economic recovery while doing nothing to alter the climate.
CFACT will feature two prominent experts on climate science and policy at COP 16, the UN conference on climate change taking place in Cancun in early December 2010. Dr. Roy Spencer and Lord Christopher Monckton will open minds and effectively challenge a scientific “consensus” that never was, detail global warming’s scope, causes and effects, separate smart energy strategies from waste and skewer the global warming lobby’s propaganda and abusive tactics.
Dr. Spencer will discuss with delegates and members of the media some of the issues raised in his most recent book, The Great Global Warming Blunder, where he unveils new scientific findings that explode the conventional wisdom on climate change and reshape the global warming debate as we know it. His findings were also recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research. Lord Monckton has prepared a special report on climate change just in time for the Cancun conference.
CFACT will erect a display inside the conference detailing the faces of energy poverty. We will call on the nations of the world to not permit global warming politics to wreck our economic recovery and at the same time create an energy trap for the poor.
CFACT will engage delegates and the international media and confront global warming advocates with climate realism on their own turf. Count on CFACT to bring sound science, world class experts, articulate young people, compelling negotiating tactics and CFACT's own special brand of creative display to Mexico. The task is daunting, but the global warming express cannot be allowed to get back on track.
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