There is enough material in the "debunking FEMA camps" videos to file criminal complaints against both Glenn and James for negligence, mischief and libel. Someone has to throw down the gauntlet like Walter Francis Fitzpatrick ( ) did for the "CRIMINAL ALLEGATIONS REGARDING THE COMMISSION OF TREASON" against Obama.
Glenn Beck debunks as complete fabrication the existence of FEMA camps disregarding the overwhelming evidence of recorded videos readily available. I mean this is the national telivision and the need for journalistic integrity is expected.

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Glad ya emailed me this. Some how I missed it. I agree , charge the scum !
Don't worry about it Glen Beck will have his day in court and be hung or deported once we restore this country. He will have his fun for now
Well, I suppose they could be non-complicit... If that is so, then they must be the other option, complete morons. I'll let them choose which they would rather be called.
While I believe that FEMA camps exist (one would have to be a complete fool not to), I would dispute some of the fears associated with their existence.

Wealthy governments have a habit of developing large and long term plans well into the future for a myriad of potentialities that only madmen might envision. This is both good and not so good. It's good because as citizens we are protected against any number of threatening circumstances that we're unable to foresee or prepare for on our own. It's not so good because often times it wastes valuable resources that might be used for more immediate needs. It's quite a balancing act. The current potential for a flu pandemic, though admittedly low at this moment, has a currently foreseeable plan should it actually occur. Let's consider it does and let's for a moment consider that it's not some diabolical plan to depopulate the planet which for me is relative since it would be a poor method of achieving that goal. As support for the last argument let me say that a flu pandemic would directly affect the most valuable members of global societies, the working class, and it would lead to perhaps fewer deaths than those that occurred in 1918. Therefore, the death of 40-60 million of our most valuable members of society would not accomplish the depopulation goal by any means. There are 6+ BILLION of us. 21st Century wars on the other hand do depopulate the globe effectively since they're fought in third world countries where brown people die and the white soldiers that die were never a part of the working class. Let's face facts, they joined the military where they are replaced quite easily which is not the case for, let's say, a GM worker or a scientist.

OK, so we have this flu pandemic spreading globally effecting our friends, relatives and neighbors here in the US. And during this pandemic YOU and your family are one of the more fortunate, YOU and your family are not sick. What would you suggest we do with, let's say 2 million people here in the US that need urgent medical care for a period of two or three weeks but that also at the same time need to be quarantined to protect YOU and your family?

I would suggest and the US government would probably agree that FEMA camps staffed with US soldiers, doctors and nurses would be a good start to segregate that portion of the population that was ill, contagious, facing death and threatened those of us that were still safe, not sick, and likely to remain so if an effective quarantine measure were implemented.

So far, in global history, man has developed only very few effective methods used to depopulate the planet while at the same time preserving the productive members of developed societies. War and famine are those methods. Wars and famine kill in a discriminating way. Because wars are never fought, not today, in developed countries like the US, Germany, France, the UK, etc., they rid societies of what the elite term the "most useless eaters," that is to say, poorly educated, minimally functional, non-contributing brown people. Famines do quite the same.

If I were anticipating a move by the global elite to depopulate the planet I would look for the reasons behind the wars and the reasons behind the starvation deaths of the people of the globe. There is no real reason for war. The reasoning is created. There is more than enough food to feed the planet and the difficulty lies in distribution not quantity of food. Look at wars and look at starvation and your fears of global depopulation will be well realized.

NEVER will Americans be randomly or purposely rounded up and imprisoned in FEMA camps. The internal fallout and the global repercussions, consequences and aftermath would dismantle with great immediacy any government that attempted to do so regardless of its usable military might.
I agree with the argument that the government has a obligation to protect life and peace in case of emergency. What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason. In fact the FEMA facilities were not known to anyone until someone noticed a tender document on the website.

The government has acted in bad faith in denying FOIA requests by concerned citizens on FEMA camp information. More, I've seen a video where Alex Jones was even denied access to the road leading up to the FEMA facility despite his press credentials. He was told at gun point to turn around and leave the vicinity. All this points to a secret mission, accomplished without an act of congress; under the obscure executive order of the President. In fact, I'd like to know where the funding for these structures have been sourced. I'd bet even the congress does not have a clue as to the source of these funds.

Again, this whole infrastructure of martial law could not have been achieved without secrecy. If you wish, see Inside source reveals FEMA and DHS preparing for mass graves and Ma... courtesy of

Imagine a situation that a concerned government requires a facility to house disaster victims. I'd argue there is absolutely no requirement to keep this information secret and flout the norms of government mandate. After all there are no domestic terrorists roaming the streets of America. The "domestic terrorists" argument is being slowly phased in with memos in the recent times as if to say - we now have the facilities to house these alleged domestic terrorists and its okay to go after them.

And the media is being used to subdue the public's perception that "unfortunate events" are being planned by the elites. If you see the chart you'll understand the spike in public interest has gone down after the story by Glenn and co. debunking Web Myths about FEMA camps. That is what is criminal about this operation.
Governments can be described as men without heads. Often they do things for seemingly unknown reasons that appear wrong, are wrong, and shouldn't have occurred. However, that doesn't mean the government has some dastardly plan culled from a sinister playbook.

A fine current example is the recent flyby that Airforce One did in New York City. While local government officials knew ahead of time they were told to tell no one, and they did just that. The result was local fear and hysteria. The reasoning was that Airforce One performed a flyby for photographs. Perhap, perhaps not. Either way, telling the public in advance was the right thing to do but it wasn't done. Governments are like that.

In a legitimate pandemic 500,000 dead bodies might very well be a realistic scenario. In a legitimate terrorist attack, though it appears we've never had one of those, 500,000 dead bodies might also be realistic. I can think of other scenarios as well. As a government, being prepared for 500,000 deaths without rhyme or reason is probably a reasonable preparation.

It is hardly likely however that a government such as ours would be preparing for the prospective of murdering 500,000 of it's own citizens. To begin with, it's a rather small segment of our society to eliminate for whatever reasons and at the same time it is such a large segment that the local fallout and global consequences and repercussions would cause the immediate fall of any legitimately elected government.

The only dastardly plans from sinister playbooks our own government possesses is their desire to continue to kill innocent people in foreign countries and we have done that for 100+ years and probably won't ever stop. War is the only effective devise for depopulation and we don't fight them in our own backyards.

While I agree with, "What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason" I will also posit that we don't have a right to kill innocent Iraqi's, innocent Afgans and innocent Pakistani's, but we do. Our government does not have a right to spy on us but they do. There are many things governments do in the 21st Century especially, that they don't have a right to do. Where would you like to start?

Jamie said:
I agree with the argument that the government has a obligation to protect life and peace in case of emergency. What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason. In fact the FEMA facilities were not known to anyone until someone noticed a tender document on the website.

The government has acted in bad faith in denying FOIA requests by concerned citizens on FEMA camp information. More, I've seen a video where Alex Jones was even denied access to the road leading up to the FEMA facility despite his press credentials. He was told at gun point to turn around and leave the vicinity. All this points to a secret mission, accomplished without an act of congress; under the obscure executive order of the President. In fact, I'd like to know where the funding for these structures have been sourced. I'd bet even the congress does not have a clue as to the source of these funds.

Again, this whole infrastructure of martial law could not have been achieved without secrecy. If you wish, see Inside source reveals FEMA and DHS preparing for mass graves and Ma... courtesy of

Imagine a situation that a concerned government requires a facility to house disaster victims. I'd argue there is absolutely no requirement to keep this information secret and flout the norms of government mandate. After all there are no domestic terrorists roaming the streets of America. The "domestic terrorists" argument is being slowly phased in with memos in the recent times as if to say - we now have the facilities to house these alleged domestic terrorists and its okay to go after them.

And the media is being used to subdue the public's perception that "unfortunate events" are being planned by the elites. If you see the chart you'll understand the spike in public interest has gone down after the story by Glenn and co. debunking Web Myths about FEMA camps. That is what is criminal about this operation.
How about we start with their mouthpiece Glenn Beck and Co.?

We can't question the governments foreign policy ( on the presumption of security ) but we can't allow them to get away with plotting against their own people. Oh and the government is being sued for their domestic wiretap folly.

Jeff said:
Governments can be described as men without heads. Often they do things for seemingly unknown reasons that appear wrong, are wrong, and shouldn't have occurred. However, that doesn't mean the government has some dastardly plan culled from a sinister playbook.

A fine current example is the recent flyby that Airforce One did in New York City. While local government officials knew ahead of time they were told to tell no one, and they did just that. The result was local fear and hysteria. The reasoning was that Airforce One performed a flyby for photographs. Perhap, perhaps not. Either way, telling the public in advance was the right thing to do but it wasn't done. Governments are like that.

In a legitimate pandemic 500,000 dead bodies might very well be a realistic scenario. In a legitimate terrorist attack, though it appears we've never had one of those, 500,000 dead bodies might also be realistic. I can think of other scenarios as well. As a government, being prepared for 500,000 deaths without rhyme or reason is probably a reasonable preparation.

It is hardly likely however that a government such as ours would be preparing for the prospective of murdering 500,000 of it's own citizens. To begin with, it's a rather small segment of our society to eliminate for whatever reasons and at the same time it is such a large segment that the local fallout and global consequences and repercussions would cause the immediate fall of any legitimately elected government.

The only dastardly plans from sinister playbooks our own government possesses is their desire to continue to kill innocent people in foreign countries and we have done that for 100+ years and probably won't ever stop. War is the only effective devise for depopulation and we don't fight them in our own backyards.

While I agree with, "What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason" I will also posit that we don't have a right to kill innocent Iraqi's, innocent Afgans and innocent Pakistani's, but we do. Our government does not have a right to spy on us but they do. There are many things governments do in the 21st Century especially, that they don't have a right to do. Where would you like to start?

Jamie said:
I agree with the argument that the government has a obligation to protect life and peace in case of emergency. What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason. In fact the FEMA facilities were not known to anyone until someone noticed a tender document on the website.

The government has acted in bad faith in denying FOIA requests by concerned citizens on FEMA camp information. More, I've seen a video where Alex Jones was even denied access to the road leading up to the FEMA facility despite his press credentials. He was told at gun point to turn around and leave the vicinity. All this points to a secret mission, accomplished without an act of congress; under the obscure executive order of the President. In fact, I'd like to know where the funding for these structures have been sourced. I'd bet even the congress does not have a clue as to the source of these funds.

Again, this whole infrastructure of martial law could not have been achieved without secrecy. If you wish, see Inside source reveals FEMA and DHS preparing for mass graves and Ma... courtesy of

Imagine a situation that a concerned government requires a facility to house disaster victims. I'd argue there is absolutely no requirement to keep this information secret and flout the norms of government mandate. After all there are no domestic terrorists roaming the streets of America. The "domestic terrorists" argument is being slowly phased in with memos in the recent times as if to say - we now have the facilities to house these alleged domestic terrorists and its okay to go after them.

And the media is being used to subdue the public's perception that "unfortunate events" are being planned by the elites. If you see the chart you'll understand the spike in public interest has gone down after the story by Glenn and co. debunking Web Myths about FEMA camps. That is what is criminal about this operation.
All that you've said is true.

However, Glen Beck isn't someone that rates any recognition with me. I have no television and see him on rare occasions on web videos. He's another actor, nothing more. He doesn't deserve the recognition he's getting, good or bad.

Right now the Supreme Court just sent the Janice Jackson nipple slip case, yup the one from the Superbowl eons ago, back to the 3rd Circuit suggesting the 3rd Circuit reinstate the fine imposed on CBS (or whichever station it was) that was originally imposed. A purely wasteful use of taxpayer time and money, which is endemic to a Democracy. A Glen Beck Fiasco would be equally as wasteful. Some things are best ignored, they then go away.

Jamie said:
How about we start with their mouthpiece Glenn Beck and Co.?

We can't question the governments foreign policy ( on the presumption of security ) but we can't allow them to get away with plotting against their own people. Oh and the government is being sued for their domestic wiretap folly.

Jeff said:
Governments can be described as men without heads. Often they do things for seemingly unknown reasons that appear wrong, are wrong, and shouldn't have occurred. However, that doesn't mean the government has some dastardly plan culled from a sinister playbook.

A fine current example is the recent flyby that Airforce One did in New York City. While local government officials knew ahead of time they were told to tell no one, and they did just that. The result was local fear and hysteria. The reasoning was that Airforce One performed a flyby for photographs. Perhap, perhaps not. Either way, telling the public in advance was the right thing to do but it wasn't done. Governments are like that.

In a legitimate pandemic 500,000 dead bodies might very well be a realistic scenario. In a legitimate terrorist attack, though it appears we've never had one of those, 500,000 dead bodies might also be realistic. I can think of other scenarios as well. As a government, being prepared for 500,000 deaths without rhyme or reason is probably a reasonable preparation.

It is hardly likely however that a government such as ours would be preparing for the prospective of murdering 500,000 of it's own citizens. To begin with, it's a rather small segment of our society to eliminate for whatever reasons and at the same time it is such a large segment that the local fallout and global consequences and repercussions would cause the immediate fall of any legitimately elected government.

The only dastardly plans from sinister playbooks our own government possesses is their desire to continue to kill innocent people in foreign countries and we have done that for 100+ years and probably won't ever stop. War is the only effective devise for depopulation and we don't fight them in our own backyards.

While I agree with, "What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason" I will also posit that we don't have a right to kill innocent Iraqi's, innocent Afgans and innocent Pakistani's, but we do. Our government does not have a right to spy on us but they do. There are many things governments do in the 21st Century especially, that they don't have a right to do. Where would you like to start?

Jamie said:
I agree with the argument that the government has a obligation to protect life and peace in case of emergency. What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason. In fact the FEMA facilities were not known to anyone until someone noticed a tender document on the website.

The government has acted in bad faith in denying FOIA requests by concerned citizens on FEMA camp information. More, I've seen a video where Alex Jones was even denied access to the road leading up to the FEMA facility despite his press credentials. He was told at gun point to turn around and leave the vicinity. All this points to a secret mission, accomplished without an act of congress; under the obscure executive order of the President. In fact, I'd like to know where the funding for these structures have been sourced. I'd bet even the congress does not have a clue as to the source of these funds.

Again, this whole infrastructure of martial law could not have been achieved without secrecy. If you wish, see Inside source reveals FEMA and DHS preparing for mass graves and Ma... courtesy of

Imagine a situation that a concerned government requires a facility to house disaster victims. I'd argue there is absolutely no requirement to keep this information secret and flout the norms of government mandate. After all there are no domestic terrorists roaming the streets of America. The "domestic terrorists" argument is being slowly phased in with memos in the recent times as if to say - we now have the facilities to house these alleged domestic terrorists and its okay to go after them.

And the media is being used to subdue the public's perception that "unfortunate events" are being planned by the elites. If you see the chart you'll understand the spike in public interest has gone down after the story by Glenn and co. debunking Web Myths about FEMA camps. That is what is criminal about this operation.
PLEASE understand, I am not defending the government. I am, without question, one of the most anti-US government people I know. That is to say, I disagree with almost every foreign and domestic policy decision they make, which is my right as an American.
You don't get it do you ? The purge on 6 million eastern European Jews could have been prevented if the German citizens had not kept silent during the Nazi regime.

You don't believe the civilian inmate labor program is a walk in the park ? Do you realize that those people who don't have a clue about these FEMA camps will be taken to these camps without their full knowledge on whats behind the curtain ? They will be dumped there under the pretext of their protection; only to be told later on that they have no choice ?

We will not be silent when these bigots are planning a repeat of 1939 Germany.

You can go join the movement to warn the gullible citizens or you can just waste away the precious time. Its your choice.

Jeff said:
All that you've said is true.

However, Glen Beck isn't someone that rates any recognition with me. I have no television and see him on rare occasions on web videos. He's another actor, nothing more. He doesn't deserve the recognition he's getting, good or bad.

Right now the Supreme Court just sent the Janice Jackson nipple slip case, yup the one from the Superbowl eons ago, back to the 3rd Circuit suggesting the 3rd Circuit reinstate the fine imposed on CBS (or whichever station it was) that was originally imposed. A purely wasteful use of taxpayer time and money, which is endemic to a Democracy. A Glen Beck Fiasco would be equally as wasteful. Some things are best ignored, they then go away.

Jamie said:
How about we start with their mouthpiece Glenn Beck and Co.?

We can't question the governments foreign policy ( on the presumption of security ) but we can't allow them to get away with plotting against their own people. Oh and the government is being sued for their domestic wiretap folly.

Jeff said:
Governments can be described as men without heads. Often they do things for seemingly unknown reasons that appear wrong, are wrong, and shouldn't have occurred. However, that doesn't mean the government has some dastardly plan culled from a sinister playbook.

A fine current example is the recent flyby that Airforce One did in New York City. While local government officials knew ahead of time they were told to tell no one, and they did just that. The result was local fear and hysteria. The reasoning was that Airforce One performed a flyby for photographs. Perhap, perhaps not. Either way, telling the public in advance was the right thing to do but it wasn't done. Governments are like that.

In a legitimate pandemic 500,000 dead bodies might very well be a realistic scenario. In a legitimate terrorist attack, though it appears we've never had one of those, 500,000 dead bodies might also be realistic. I can think of other scenarios as well. As a government, being prepared for 500,000 deaths without rhyme or reason is probably a reasonable preparation.

It is hardly likely however that a government such as ours would be preparing for the prospective of murdering 500,000 of it's own citizens. To begin with, it's a rather small segment of our society to eliminate for whatever reasons and at the same time it is such a large segment that the local fallout and global consequences and repercussions would cause the immediate fall of any legitimately elected government.

The only dastardly plans from sinister playbooks our own government possesses is their desire to continue to kill innocent people in foreign countries and we have done that for 100+ years and probably won't ever stop. War is the only effective devise for depopulation and we don't fight them in our own backyards.

While I agree with, "What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason" I will also posit that we don't have a right to kill innocent Iraqi's, innocent Afgans and innocent Pakistani's, but we do. Our government does not have a right to spy on us but they do. There are many things governments do in the 21st Century especially, that they don't have a right to do. Where would you like to start?

Jamie said:
I agree with the argument that the government has a obligation to protect life and peace in case of emergency. What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason. In fact the FEMA facilities were not known to anyone until someone noticed a tender document on the website.

The government has acted in bad faith in denying FOIA requests by concerned citizens on FEMA camp information. More, I've seen a video where Alex Jones was even denied access to the road leading up to the FEMA facility despite his press credentials. He was told at gun point to turn around and leave the vicinity. All this points to a secret mission, accomplished without an act of congress; under the obscure executive order of the President. In fact, I'd like to know where the funding for these structures have been sourced. I'd bet even the congress does not have a clue as to the source of these funds.

Again, this whole infrastructure of martial law could not have been achieved without secrecy. If you wish, see Inside source reveals FEMA and DHS preparing for mass graves and Ma... courtesy of

Imagine a situation that a concerned government requires a facility to house disaster victims. I'd argue there is absolutely no requirement to keep this information secret and flout the norms of government mandate. After all there are no domestic terrorists roaming the streets of America. The "domestic terrorists" argument is being slowly phased in with memos in the recent times as if to say - we now have the facilities to house these alleged domestic terrorists and its okay to go after them.

And the media is being used to subdue the public's perception that "unfortunate events" are being planned by the elites. If you see the chart you'll understand the spike in public interest has gone down after the story by Glenn and co. debunking Web Myths about FEMA camps. That is what is criminal about this operation.
Fortunately no one in the US government is going to round up American citizens on a wholesale basis and imprison them in FEMA camps. Believe what you want man, it ain't gonna happen.
OK, I took a few minutes to watch the video linked to the words "we will not be silenced." Jamie! There isn't a single thing in that video that I don't agree with. I have argued relentlessly with people ON THIS SITE that claim Islam wants to destroy Israel, that make various ridiculous claims IN SUPPORT OF WAR. These people claim to be Christians and couldn't be farther from the reality of faith. They support WAR and the DEATH of innocent people who simply want to live and raise their families using religion to justify their beliefs. It's ludicrous.

ALL I AM SAYING is that people in this country won't be rounded up and imprisoned and if you think that then it's your right to do so as it is mine to believe otherwise. The NWO has better methods of depopulating the planet and they use them every day. They're called wars. They don't need to imprison Americans on American land and that won't happen and it appears to me that you believe it will. The great thing about this country is that we are entitled to our personal beliefs.

I will continue to campaign for an end to wars EVERYWHERE and an end to the pursuit of EMPIRE while you are free to pursue your own goals.


Jamie said:
You don't get it do you ? The purge on 6 million eastern European Jews could have been prevented if the German citizens had not kept silent during the Nazi regime.

You don't believe the civilian inmate labor program is a walk in the park ? Do you realize that those people who don't have a clue about these FEMA camps will be taken to these camps without their full knowledge on whats behind the curtain ? They will be dumped there under the pretext of their protection; only to be told later on that they have no choice ?

We will not be silent when these bigots are planning a repeat of 1939 Germany.

You can go join the movement to warn the gullible citizens or you can just waste away the precious time. Its your choice.

Jeff said:
All that you've said is true.

However, Glen Beck isn't someone that rates any recognition with me. I have no television and see him on rare occasions on web videos. He's another actor, nothing more. He doesn't deserve the recognition he's getting, good or bad.

Right now the Supreme Court just sent the Janice Jackson nipple slip case, yup the one from the Superbowl eons ago, back to the 3rd Circuit suggesting the 3rd Circuit reinstate the fine imposed on CBS (or whichever station it was) that was originally imposed. A purely wasteful use of taxpayer time and money, which is endemic to a Democracy. A Glen Beck Fiasco would be equally as wasteful. Some things are best ignored, they then go away.

Jamie said:
How about we start with their mouthpiece Glenn Beck and Co.?

We can't question the governments foreign policy ( on the presumption of security ) but we can't allow them to get away with plotting against their own people. Oh and the government is being sued for their domestic wiretap folly.

Jeff said:
Governments can be described as men without heads. Often they do things for seemingly unknown reasons that appear wrong, are wrong, and shouldn't have occurred. However, that doesn't mean the government has some dastardly plan culled from a sinister playbook.

A fine current example is the recent flyby that Airforce One did in New York City. While local government officials knew ahead of time they were told to tell no one, and they did just that. The result was local fear and hysteria. The reasoning was that Airforce One performed a flyby for photographs. Perhap, perhaps not. Either way, telling the public in advance was the right thing to do but it wasn't done. Governments are like that.

In a legitimate pandemic 500,000 dead bodies might very well be a realistic scenario. In a legitimate terrorist attack, though it appears we've never had one of those, 500,000 dead bodies might also be realistic. I can think of other scenarios as well. As a government, being prepared for 500,000 deaths without rhyme or reason is probably a reasonable preparation.

It is hardly likely however that a government such as ours would be preparing for the prospective of murdering 500,000 of it's own citizens. To begin with, it's a rather small segment of our society to eliminate for whatever reasons and at the same time it is such a large segment that the local fallout and global consequences and repercussions would cause the immediate fall of any legitimately elected government.

The only dastardly plans from sinister playbooks our own government possesses is their desire to continue to kill innocent people in foreign countries and we have done that for 100+ years and probably won't ever stop. War is the only effective devise for depopulation and we don't fight them in our own backyards.

While I agree with, "What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason" I will also posit that we don't have a right to kill innocent Iraqi's, innocent Afgans and innocent Pakistani's, but we do. Our government does not have a right to spy on us but they do. There are many things governments do in the 21st Century especially, that they don't have a right to do. Where would you like to start?

Jamie said:
I agree with the argument that the government has a obligation to protect life and peace in case of emergency. What the government does not have is the right to erect secret prison like facilities with no known reason. In fact the FEMA facilities were not known to anyone until someone noticed a tender document on the website.

The government has acted in bad faith in denying FOIA requests by concerned citizens on FEMA camp information. More, I've seen a video where Alex Jones was even denied access to the road leading up to the FEMA facility despite his press credentials. He was told at gun point to turn around and leave the vicinity. All this points to a secret mission, accomplished without an act of congress; under the obscure executive order of the President. In fact, I'd like to know where the funding for these structures have been sourced. I'd bet even the congress does not have a clue as to the source of these funds.

Again, this whole infrastructure of martial law could not have been achieved without secrecy. If you wish, see Inside source reveals FEMA and DHS preparing for mass graves and Ma... courtesy of

Imagine a situation that a concerned government requires a facility to house disaster victims. I'd argue there is absolutely no requirement to keep this information secret and flout the norms of government mandate. After all there are no domestic terrorists roaming the streets of America. The "domestic terrorists" argument is being slowly phased in with memos in the recent times as if to say - we now have the facilities to house these alleged domestic terrorists and its okay to go after them.

And the media is being used to subdue the public's perception that "unfortunate events" are being planned by the elites. If you see the chart you'll understand the spike in public interest has gone down after the story by Glenn and co. debunking Web Myths about FEMA camps. That is what is criminal about this operation.


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