Jefferson Finis Davis (June 3, 1808 – December 6, 1889) was an American statesman and leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, serving as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history. Davis was born in Kentucky to Samuel and Jane (Cook) Davis. After attending Transylvania University, Davis graduated from West Point and fought in the Mexican–American War as a colonel of a volunteer regiment. He served as the United States Secretary of War under Democratic President Franklin Pierce. Both before and after his time in the Pierce administration, he served as a Democratic U.S. Senator representing the State of Mississippi. As a senator, he argued against secession, but did agree that each state was sovereign and had an unquestionable right to secede from the Union. On February 9, 1861, after Davis resigned from the United States Senate, he was selected to be the provisional President of the Confederate States of America; he was elected without opposition to a six-year term that November. – Wikipedia
Dominant Social Theme: Happy birthday, Jefferson Davis. The Internet allows us to ask some unusual questions.
Free-Market Analysis: Greenbackerism's devotion to the myth of Abraham Lincoln as a benevolent and wise individual who stood up to Money Power has been extensively debunked by such free-market historians as Thomas DiLorenzo. He's written several persuasive books on the subject and been pilloried by court historians and alternative media Greenbackers as a result.
But Lincoln was a repressive president and eventually something of a tyrant. Eventually he assumed the role of a kind of dictator by jailing Northern citizens and journalists who opposed his policies and believed in states' rights – including the right to secede – under which the union was ostensibly founded.
What we call the Internet Reformation has allowed the Daily Bell to generate a vision of what we call "directed history." It simply seems a fact that many of the major wars fought in the 20th century were backed on both sides by Money Power. Both the Russian Revolution and Hitler's rise to power were apparently funded by Wall Street and British "City" money.
But this determination to fund both sides of modern wars may go back further than the 20th century – though the modern conspiracy of globalism seems to have been most active in the past 100 years. There are even questions raised about Napoleon Bonaparte and whether Money Power utilized the French general's bellicosity for their own purposes.
Yes, Money Power, whenever possible, creates wars to further its own interests and funds both sides. This is simply a historical fact, and amply attested to ... at least in modernity (Post-Internet). Therefore, near the occasion of Jefferson Davis's birthday, we take the opportunity to ask whether the US Civil War was also arranged and funded by Money Power.
In fact, this question has been asked before, with many supporters of what we call directed history speculating that Lincoln himself was in the employ of British Money Power. Lincoln's uneasy but extensive relationships with New York's European-centric banks would seem to indicate that he might have been.
Europe – certainly Britain – remained uncomfortable about the rising power of the United States and during the war, many in Britain supported the South and hoped that the "secession" would come to fruition. At the very least, a major war between North and South would weaken the US and result inevitably in a loss of freedom and a rise of governmental authoritarianism. This it certainly did.
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