Ex-Italian President Says 911 an Inside Job
by James Buchanan
An ex-president of Italy, Francesco Cossiga. has told the respected Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that “the disastrous (911) attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
This is truly outstanding news! This statement supports the suspicions of the 911 truth movement, which rejected the “official” 911 explanation from the government long ago. Most people –once they study the facts and details of the World Trade Center collapse– immediately become suspicious about the government account. Why did the World Trade Center 7 building collapse –even though it had NOT been hit by an airplane? How did a film crew of MOSSAD agents know in advance that the WTC buildings would be attacked? Why were there Israeli art students/spies in the same towns as the 911 hijackers? Why did our government set free these Israelis who obviously KNEW something important about 911 while we later filled up Guantanamo with Afghani goat herders, who knew as much about 911 as their goats? (more…)
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