fema emercom US Gov’t Stockpiling Weapons, Ammo, And…Requesting 15,000 Russian Troops?

This is news that should cause every American, even those who consider themselves apolitical, to cock their heads to the side like a bunch of confused terriers and say, "Holy...," "What the...," or some variation thereof.

It begins with what is known in Russia as the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs for Civil Defense, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, or, as it's known internationally, the Emergency Control Ministry (EMERCOM). It was created in 1994 by Russian President Boris Yeltsin and has a whole range of duties, which you can read about on its Wikipedia page or at its own website, but the point is that it is a legitimate agency in Russia and not a fantastical delusion conceived in the overactive imaginations of Internet conspiracy theorists.

Well, a new report by EMERCOM states that Janet Napolitano of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has requested that, according to The European Union Times, "at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and 'crowd functions' [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III

during an unspecified 'upcoming' disaster." The Russian troops were requested to be reserved to work "directly and jointly" with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA is a branch of the DHS. (Here is a map of FEMA Region III. Note that Washington, D.C., the heart of the country, where a lot of protests occur, is a part of that region.)

The DHS, of course, is the agency of the federal government that over the last year has purchased riot gear, armored vehicles, and 2 billion rounds of ammunition, without explanation. Juxtaposed with this news of the DHS's request for Russian soldiers to be prepared to "help us" in a time of emergency, it kind of makes one come to reason that this stockpiling of bullets and riot gear has been for the Russian troops.

I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, which is probably what a conspiracy theorist would say if he wanted people to listen to him. But EMERCOM is internationally recognized; they are not publishers of tabloids, but an actual division of the Russian government.

I'd love to hear theories, even from the liberals reading this, as to why the Obama administration has requested 15,000 Russian troops to come to D.C. at some point. Whatever the reason is, it is obviously an event that the US government is planning. So what are they preparing for?

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Russian Troops?https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1413596207/NO_BS_Logo_X5.png


Something about this story, that's like trying to force square peg into a round hole, as to any logic. The US can't even rely on their Russian partners to rap up Snowden and send him back to US officals, but it's welcoming a Russian military force of 15000 into and to occupy DC?  Furthermore the The European Union Times story I read, goes on to say that Hastings “upcoming disaster” the US is preparing for, appears to be “strongly related” was making his way to the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, attempting to reach the safety??? Spiders den?

Does this make sense to you?

I think Obama is going for a full dictatorship, Mayne he wants the Russians to disappear all the members of booth houses, but Putin doesn't like Obama, Who knows?

Right now we have Russian Troops, Italian troops, NATO Troops, UN Troops, EU Troops on the East Coast and Chinese Troops on the west coast? Never before have so many been hear at the same time, so now they are calling for 15000 more troops, something is up.

Oh yeah, I forgot the Mexican troops & Obama is deploying our troops Bye Bye US Troops lol


Feeling lazy.

What are the best links to support this claim?

I know it is common practice to invite foreign troops to train on US soil, but going beyond this?

What would the Chinese and Russians gain from this?  (Obama is going for a full dictatorship)


The problem, I am having, when I tell people about what really going on. (1) they don't believe me and think everything is OK. (2) They seem to believe me, but they tell me they don't have time to watch a video or view an article. In the end, I have found out that most Americans are too busy playing with their I-Phones, I-pads and watching trash TV to give a S--T. Trying to wake up the Sheep is really hard. One other point, I have a lot of so-called Christian freinds that won't get infolved and think that when things get bad, God is going to rapture them out of here to heaven. The only question I ask them. What if it doesn't happen?

All we can all do is keep trying to wake people up. I'm on a lot of social media sites. I think I have more success there than I do with my friends and associates. Thank You for all you do for Freedom!!!

Everyone is on there own path, you can't worry about them waking up, all we can do is spread the truth, many are not ready to see it, just plant the seed and move on, they will awaken in there own time, for many it will be to late, more and more are awakening every day.

There are enough of us that are awake and prepared, just keep on doing what your doing.

Thanks Nobody

Boy it's hard to believe, if any of these country's did desire to destroy the US, they just made the landing without firring a shot, no resistance, talk about a Trojan horse


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